10/15/2022 by Aurane | World Anvil

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Sun 16th Oct 2022 12:26


by Aurane Velaryon

Q1: Do you want kids someday? A1: Eventually, sure, but that would never be the priority. Q2: Are you a planner or spontaneous? A2: Planner for sure.
The meeting has ended. The girls return to the shop via the trapdoor. They have fancy tea provided by Mr. Corben. They update the master copies of the maps with their new knowledge. Back to us, and the meeting is letting out. Vlad brings Garmeeli over to Druss, then fucks off to see his new firstborn baybay. Druss is trying to see why the Hunters' Guild is fucking about with the Temple of Zitz folks. They need to justify their expenses and just bringing in a few deer each year doesn't justify that. The Zitz crew sounds like they are promising more funding and support of the Hunters' if they back the expanded function of Zitz in decision-making. Rorin is considering some increased funding either out of his pocket or via a connection. We are considering a zoo or something like that to generate funding for the Hunters' Guild as well, and it could tie in the Parks Dept. as well.
We escort Elon back to the Fireforge Estate to be met by Garfield, then go back to the shop to pick everyone else up. We head to the Babblebrook for dinner with the whole team in tow. There being ten of us, we head into the back area, a special area for the select few, and are seated in what amounts to an outer garden sort of area. We discuss the plan going forward, and it looks like we'll have to start working on shoring up the votes. Druss wisely asks if Dawn's Reach is going to respect the vote either way, and I honestly don't know. We discuss informing Terrytown of the threat, but don't really have a method of communication or anyone specific to reach out to. Druss asks Mr. Corben about the Undertow, specifically the less savory faction that was capturing and trafficking folks. Rich people will engage them to provide sex slaves, performers, and subjects for mutilation. Corben also mentions the Sanctum, and their capacity for assassination.
Rorin's fiance is en route home, and will thus pass through Terrytown on the way. We decide to send her a message via the Sanctum and with Sending to compare and test the trustworthiness of the Sanctum system. After dinner we head back to the shop, and Mr. Corben prepares to take his leave. Then it's time to see what Dani wants to do in her immediate future. We settle in for the night, and Kel goes back to her place and Leona goes with her.
Dream time! Not for me though. Melfine wakes up with a black owl mask with horns. We wake, I make coffee, Marda makes pancakes from some batter Kel prepared before leaving. Leona and Kel turn up after a little while. Melfine Sends to Ophelia Firebrand to warn Terrytown. Ophelia agrees to stop by the Silver Sanctum. I remain at the shop to work, while Druss, Rorin, Marda, and Melfine head to the Sanctum. The guards check them in, and they are guided along to the tube room. The prepared, sealed message is sent along via the Silver tube. They then ask to go along to speak to Garnet. Melfine is going to look about for stuff about her mask. She learns that obsidian is a powerful magical conduit, often used by demonics. A similar mask with different horns comes up, and are associated with the Erinyes (servants of Asmodeus; fallen Celestials), and research thinks they were casting foci for their charming effects and to disguise their true faces from the eyes of men. She feels that using it would be the renewal of a contract, but it is a +1 focus. Garnet turns up to talk to the party, as requested. They retire to a private room for this conversation. Garnet can't exactly enact the transportation circle to get Dani out, but offers the Sanctum as a place to stay. Dani doesn't want that though, so Garnet says to get her out of the city gates. This will be a variable challenge based on the number and disposition of witch hunters at the gates. Holden's workshop is outside the gates in the burbs, so Druss visiting him on business a few times over the next 2 weeks would allow enough recon to make the plan. After some exchange of news and questions, they all head out from the Sanctum. Melfine wants to take a lap around the city for some recon.
Next up: talk to Holden about Steam Guild procedures and putting Elon back in leadership.
Current Stats: 75/75 hp, +d6