Vulcrom by Enrora | World Anvil

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3rd of August, 1349


by Enrora Relistra

I didn't expect to return to Vulcrom for a long time. The last time that I saw this place was when I was sent away to The Regencies. It has changed a lot since the last time I was here. People are endlessly talking about a race hosted by Sandra's Hasty Intercontinental Travel that was supposed to bring some new business into the city. Evidently it didn't. That isn't my problem though; I have more important matters to attend to than bothering myself with the affairs of this city. The money that Gerain gave me has taken me this far, but sadly this is only one stop along my journey. I will either have to find some work, or some cheap travel to make it the rest of the way.
I had forgotten how much strangeness that this city has to offer. The sight of a house levitating away from its original location was something akin to a wonder, but I find myself wondering what the true purpose is of moving away from a place if the internal scenery remains consistent. I personally view the act of moving as a rejection of your current surroundings, and a desire to move on to something bolder, and in many cases better, than you had before. Who can truly say what they were thinking when that was designed, although I would argue that perhaps they weren't thinking at all and that is the problem.
Another frustration of my time in Vulcrom so far has been the lack of establishments willing to accept my coin. Electrum is commonly accepted in the Regencies but I can't seem to find anyone willing to take it in this backward place. Instead I am told to exchange it for gold at the bank, but I find that to be such a pointless endeavour given that they both have the same value ascribed to them. I will hold onto my money for now. The bank seemed quite busy when I walked by it earlier in the day, and I do hate having to wait for others to take care of their menial business so that I can take care of mine.
"The winds are ever in our favor."

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