A Descent Into The Flaming Insectoid Heart of The Earth by Enrora | World Anvil

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19th of August, 1349

A Descent Into The Flaming Insectoid Heart of The Earth

by Enrora Relistra

I don't care to talk about the pleasentries of the day.
As a matter of fact allow me to get straight to the heart of the matter.
Bo has lost his leg to a Giant Ant Queen which had magical ability that surpassed my own. I would try to pity him, but at my core I feel that a lot of this could have been avoided if he hadn't held onto The Pearl.... but when he spoke to me I felt unsettled because despite the pitiable state of the man all I could think of was how easy it would be to take his pearl.
Mother and Father didn't raise me to be like this.
For a time I will attempt to help him. Although I do not believe that he would want my help.
"We are often made by the things that we lose."

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