About Maximille… by Maximille | World Anvil

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Thu 19th Aug 2021 06:00

About Maximille…

by Maximille Archambault

Maximille is a young woman searching for the truth of her sorcerous origin. She is quick to trust and befriend, even if that makes her blind to the more evil natures of people. She is curious about the world outside of The Ethriol Desert and wants to learn anything and everything she can. In the six months since she left home, Maximille uses her noble know-how to smooth talk her way out of problems. It is uncommon of her to lie, but she will twist the truth if the situation calls. Her spare time is spent sewing and practicing embroidery or mastering dragon chess; she hopes to beat her uncle, Zephan Mamnen, one day. In addition to information of her own background, she also keeps an eye out for mentions of the Stella Tenuem organization or the Mamnen name.

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