Dear Irene by Maximille | World Anvil

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Tue 13th Jun 2023 05:15

Dear Irene

by Maximille Archambault

Dear Irene,
I hope this letter finds you well. I mean, it should, since I’m going to give these letters to you in person and I wouldn’t give them to you if you’re unwell. Anyways, my friend Soran (the older half-elf gentleman) suggested I write these letters to you about what I’ve been up to when I’m gone. Don’t worry, we don’t get into too much trouble while I’m away from you Khatia.
So we recently made it to Rezeda. We spent a couple weeks in the desert. It was pretty hot and dry, but we made friends with a group of foxfolk! One of them was called Gidgey (after his gidgey-gun), and he helped us to an oasis. Once we set out from there, we wandered around Ashihoya for a long while, but when it started to look bleak, we were welcomed into the Cathedral of Ayjuun! I know! The place is real! There, we met an interesting fellow by the name of Jaegar. He shoots guns and makes bombs, and he’s very mysterious. Very much a lone-wolf type.
At the Cathedral, we were asked to clear out this temple of theirs that they lost contact. Being the daring adventurers we are, we took to the case! Also, we agreed to help them out because otherwise they weren’t going to let me into the Cathedral because I’m from Khatia or Ashihoyan or whatever, which I think is rude.
So we go to the temple, and we have some awesome brawls with all sorts of creatures! We fought some sand dune mimics, wrestled with sand creatures, and exploded a stone scorpion, and we solved a fascinating puzzle. There was also a fellow who worshipped this stupid weird rot lady, but he found his way to the afterlife at the wrong end of a lightning bolt.
This kinda ticked off the weird rot lady, so she cursed me for a minute, but Soran fixed it really quickly, so it’s nothing to worry about.
After we solved the temple’s problem, they dropped us off at Rezeda, and we had an interesting dinner with the Castilles there. Long story short, they’re on our side with the whole changeling Ebon Hand thing.
I am writing this from our guest room. I will be going to bed soon. My thoughts are with you. I hope you are well.
Dear Irene,
We had the craziest day today. We were chasing after this vigilante/creature called the NightWalker. I’m pretty sure it’s a person with super cool magic powers, maybe similar to Tarak (the half-orc fellow of few words and many punches) (he also punches kids) (kidding) (kind of) and his abilities. I think this NightWalker may be able to help me find my sister.
I remember telling you about an imaginary friend I had as a kid: the one who looked like me, but without the blue mars on her body. I think she may be real. I have memories of her from my time before Khatia. I don’t know if she ran away, or if she was taken somewhere else. I hope she ran. If she ran, I don’t know if she ever looked back. Maybe she’s looking for me! Or maybe she’s trying to forget that this chapter of her life ever happened. I wouldn’t blame her. However, I think this NightWalker can help me determine if she is real and if she is alive. The NightWalker attacks the Ebon Hand. They have some vendetta against them, and against bad people. Maybe he’s seen her, if he’s spent time in the dark corners of the walking cities of Ashihoya. If I can find the NightWalker, I could possibly determine if I really do have a sister.
We ran into a few dead ends today, but we helped out some kids and their caretaker by sending them to Tavern. Tavern is a mimic, but he’s super cute and cool, like a giant shape-shifting puppy!
We have a few more days until Rezeda arrives to Nahjimbin. I haven’t been on Nahjimbin since I first left Khatia. Wow. I hadn’t realized that. It’ll be fine, I’m sure.
I miss you, and I hope you’re doing well. Sometimes, the knowledge that you’re an anchor to some semblance of a home gets me through the day. I hope you’re safe.
Dear Irene,
It certainly is interesting to be on Nahjimbin again. I turned into a spider for a while, which was really cool! Some jerks were preaching that Touched need to go back underground, so I tried to stop them, but they counter-spelled me, so I counter-spelled them, and the guy turned into a wasp and I turned into a giant pink spider. It was awesome. I did freak some people out, but I do that as regular Max, so I don’t see a huge difference.
That’s another thing! I go by Max now. Being Maximille was a facsimile, I think. I was an experiment as Maximille. But my friends in the Midnight Parliament all call me Max. Max is a friend, a budding sorceress unafraid of her scales, a kind young woman that others can depend on. That’s how they see me, I think, and that’s who I want to be. I’m still fine if you call me Maximille, because you and Uncle Zephan always called me Maximille, but I’m also good with Max.
I also played piano for the first time in a super long time. It was as a spider though. I think I scared some people. Oh, well. I had fun!
I also got a vision of the dragon aspect of time and she gave me special powers and called me her ‘little spider’! She’s so cool. Her name is Bruindoinem. Anyways, I can shoot lightning bolts really fast now, and still do other things! I think it’ll come in handy.
We’re going to a play tomorrow, but on about other adventuring parties. I think it will be fun to see what other adventuring parties are doing these days!
To be frank, I am not having the best of times on this floating hulk of metal and wood. I keep being reminded of the person I was during my first crossing. How much I didn’t know. What I hadn’t yet lost. It’s only been a couple weeks since Uncle Zephan died. Since I learned my family doesn’t care about me. Since so many people that I cared for died.
But the party is very kind to me. They care for me. You needn’t worry for me, Irene. I’m in capable hands.
I look at the moons and find solace in the fact that they are the same moons you see on dry (very dry) land. You kick ass, and I hope you keep kicking ass.
Dear Irene,
I wish I could go to you for advice. I recently learned something about someone that I trusted. He kept a secret from me. From all of us. It didn’t hurt us, per se, but the lack of information left me on the cusp of a realization. The one about my sister. Someone knew about my sister, but didn’t tell me. He didn’t know her know her, but he saw her being sacrificed by the Ebon Hand. She may not be dead though, instead just teleported to Eterna (home base of Stella Tenuem and Ebon Hand).
I just… I thought he was a part of the group. We’re a cohesive unit. We tell each other things. We do stupid things, and then we face the consequences together. We have each other’s backs. I want to trust these guys blindly because I have to trust them in order to save the world with them. We’re becoming a family.
It’s my fault. I was attaching myself to him, letting him replace my father in my head. This one wouldn’t lie to me, I thought. He wouldn’t keep things from me. Unfortunately, he did. I don’t know what to do.
I gave him back a present that he gave me, asking him to give it back when he was a ‘true’ member of the Parliament. I feel bad. He worked hard to get us those necklaces. But I’m really hurt. I don’t know what to do.
We arrive in Busat in the morning. We tell the rest of the Parliament about what I learned about him in the morning as well.
On a funnier note, the adventurer’s guild thinks we’re dead because we’re so bad at checking in to them. We still haven’t been paid for a job we did over a month ago. Last the Guild heard, we were in Kutalla and Midatona. It may be nice having the anonymity of being dead, though. I know what you’re thinking—Max? Anonymous? But you’re bright pink and noisy! I know. I’m not the least conspicuous person in the world, but Busat is big. I’ll fit right in.
Plus, I got to intimidate the hells out of that prick Breech—the incel shifter princeling? Yeah, my friends and I made him a public embarrassment. Serves him right.
So, don’t worry about me. I’ll bounce back from this. We just need to get into the city, to Soran’s place, and settle in. Then we can worry about other things.
Dear Irene,
I just had the longest day of my life. I am very tired. This letter will be brief.
We arrived at Busat, met with lots of different people including a gardener, Soran’s wife, Simoposee’s kids (yes, the ancient golden dragon), and a dragon from Udeland (she’s super cool) and fought the incarnation of a nightmare and some assassins. Then we were inundated by academics. I found out today I had the power to grant people a bit of inspiration by just talking to them. I can also heal wounds by asking them to feel better. We also partied with the Utample in the Kutalla Keys this evening and met up with Soran’s daughter. Yes, we were in Busat and then ended the day in the Kutalla Keys. Tavern is super cool and a great guy.
I want to introduce you to Tavern and the dragons. I think they’d think you’re nifty. I think you are. Good night.
Dear Irene,
Crazy day today. I spoke to a god and she gave me a gift, I rode a dragon, and I spoke to another god and got a tiny mushroom friend within like two hours. This is why I always say please and thank-you. Being kind and trusting people means that they reciprocate, Irene. I admire your ability to sneak around and steal stuff, but in my experience, just asking can also do the trick. I guess if one doesn’t work, there is always the alternative.
I saw Soran become reunited with his daughter. He hugged her, and I was intimately reminded of how I can’t have that again. My father never cared about me like he cares about her. He would fight the gods to ensure her safety because he loves her. My father worried for my safety because of what I could offer him.
I’m happy that Sarai and Soran can have these moments, and I hope they never forget how precious these memories are. May they remain forever unspoiled for them.
On a brighter note, we went shopping, and I spent an atrocious amount of gold on magical artifacts! It was a great purchase, though.
Batran (the slightly creepy one with the long hair and ghost friend) made us dinner, and we all agreed to getting matching cantrip tattoos! And tomorrow, we’re going to go shopping again to a specific magic-artifact store with a super magical owner who I’ve heard good things about. I think it’ll be fun!
Dear Irene,
Today was another busy day, but we got to go shopping! I didn’t get anything special for myself, but the Parliament got decked out with fun magical items. And the owner of the magic shop is a part of the Stella Tenuem! How cool is that?
Someone from Tarak’s past found us, and asked him to return with him to his homeland. So if you don’t see Tarak with these messages, do not fear, the monk is not dead; he just left.
We met someone new today—Isadora. She is really tall and really muscular and she is a part of the Association! I think you two would get along famously—she kind of reminds me of you. You’re both very action-oriented and independent (and you both have a soft spot for a certain shocking Tiefling ;D).
Tomorrow, I’m headed off to the sewers. I’m not looking forward to getting my shoes dirty, but we are going to be rescuing Dorrin’s brother, Rinseth! I hope one day we may be able to rescue my sister. I’d like to learn her name. I’d like to meet her, and I’d like you and the Midnight Parliament to meet her, as well.
Dear Irene,
I was in the sewers when the Siege of Busat began. We didn’t even know it. We were blissfully unaware of the chaos and destruction above us.
I managed to convince a crime gang that I was their boss, then I convinced the real crime boss that I was having a love affair with one of the members and distracted the group enough for us to get away. I’m getting better at lying, which I don’t know if I like. I do like that I am becoming my own person. You know how my mother and father acted about me lying—it was the most heinous of acts. They always suggested twisting the truth. I never wanted to lie to anyone, even bad people. However, I don’t have to be truthful to evil people. My morals are still valid if the reason I’m lying is to help people—right? I hope so.
We met a pyromaniac kobold (a mini-me) and a very nice ratfolk man in the sewers who guided us to the place where Dorrin’s brother was. We fought a nasty amalgamation creature and won (yay!), and then defeated a really mean guy who was creating prejudice against Touched people because his children didn’t come back. He ended up to be working for this nasty lady called Imana, but we stopped him from hurting Rinseth and from doing any more harm.
Unfortunately, I accidentally let Imana into me. I lost connection with Bruindoinem. What scares me is that I couldn’t tell the difference between my own anger and the anger of Imana. I thought it was my power, but it was hers. When I first left, you told me to find my powers. To become the most powerful version of myself that I could be, and to not be afraid of my innate magic. However, how can I not be fearful? I can’t tell the difference between myself and someone trying to take over the world with evil rot magic. Again, I can’t help but to wish you were here. You always know what to do and what to say. Simultaneously, I’m glad that you have some semblance of safety back at Khatia. That’s your home turf; you know that city better than the back of your hand.
We returned to the topside of the city to find it in the middle of the siege. Then, we found Digin. The evil version of Digin, Galaxalyn. We fought, he said some rude things to me, but we defeated him.
I think Digin was inside of Galaxalyn the whole time. There was a message to us, that Digin wanted to give us. He was there the whole time. I wonder if we could have saved him. He would have done anything to try to save us. We just didn’t know. We thought he was all the way dead and gone. I can’t help but dwell on his death. I keep thinking there was something I could have done.
We helped as best we could with the repairs and healing of the city. This evening, we met some important magical leader of the city who was very nice, and invited us to the KLA.
We met an alien at the KLA and learned some weird things about the world of Cyorion. Apparently, we’re not traveling on the back of a turtle. That was one of my favorite tales we came up with. It makes sense, since we were a walking city on a walking world. We are walking people on a walking city. And there are super tiny walking creatures on us, the walking people. Turtles all the way down, that sort of thing. I also got a super cool magical artifact that can make me fly when I do my sorcery! I really want to show it to you.
We partied hard tonight. Soran messaged you today, and you ended your message with “All my love.” I can’t help but wonder if you meant it as more than a friend. I don’t understand how, just so you have a recollection of timing. I think today was the 54th of Venetus, but the days are blurring together.
Be careful. Please, be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt. But I’ve heard about the amazing things that you’re doing. You kicked out the Facsimille off of her throne of lies. That’s incredible. I also heard you’re the champion of the queen, which is a super epic title, and I hope you keep it when I return.
I’m spending the night on the road today. Dorrin is having a rough time. He is the closest thing I have to a sibling. I hate seeing him like this. You’d know what to say to him to rouse his spirits, but I can’t seem to find the right words.
I’m off to the end of the world. We’re going to Holdarima. It will be the farthest from you I’ll ever be (unless Qusoba was actually farther, but I don’t really understand that sort of distance. After all, going there brought me back to you).
All my love.

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