The first few days by Lynnie | World Anvil

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Fri 31st Mar 2023 01:00

The first few days

by Lynnie Ivyhoof

So during my trip south seeking the capital, I encountered Tham. It was good to see a familiar face. He too had just woke up in a field. I told him of my mission and he came with me. After some travel we saw some dragon flying north and moments later a little one almost crash landed on us! I offered to heal the cute little thing who called herself Sil but she refused. We talked briefly before she flew off to join her kin.
A short time later we came upon a camp, a caravan heading north to Veritas with relief supplies. With them was a ratling named Veskit and a tiefling named Genesis. Veskit is a curious one armed with a very loud ranged weapon which she called a rifle. Genesis carried two large axes the one seems almost too large to be used properly. The camp was not long after joined by an elf paladin named Aurelia, worshipping Iomeade. A god I can most certainly work with.
In the morn we broke camp heading north, my mission accomplished as Aurelia turned out to be the princess. We was the relief for Veritas. We came upon an ambush by some goblins, it took us a moment to get into the swing of it but the goblins fell with only Aurelia suffering an serious wounds. Which I of course healed as best I could. We'd later make camp a couple hours from Veritas as we didn't wish to try breaking the orc lines in darkness. We didn't get much sleep however as the nights quiet was shattered by all manner of noise. The orcs clearly under assault by magic mostly fireballs it seemed. A troop of over a hundred rushed us and we prepared to meet them in battle but they was cut down by a unit of elvan bladesingers, we didn't get the chance to thank them and the magic used left very little of use to us.
Much to my joy the dragons from earlier then landed to eat the corpses. We talked with them while they did so and I got to touch one! I was very pleased to see the cute little Sil was safe and sound with them. After they departed we resumed resting with plans to enter Veritas and examine the damage come morning.