Lynn's First Entry by Lynnie | World Anvil

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Sun 18th Sep 2022 02:30

Lynn's First Entry

by Lynnie Ivyhoof

So...Arrested for trying to save some tortured dogs being forced to fight for sick peoples pleasure. Woke up in a slave market cell. Bought by a noble lady named Kelandrisa who turned out to be at least part celestial.
We can do her task to earn our freedom. Task is to clear a dungeon and return to her with the loot. A rival of her's also seeks the loot. Plan to sue them to weaken the dungeon's defenses then deal with both problems at once.
Am working with an Ifrete and a Tiefling. Don't know much about the Ifrete yet but the Tiefling...oof she's a charmer all right. The sort of personality you'd happily shiv a few dozen times in a dark alleyway.
Anyways hopefully we're able t owork as a unit to complete this task and become free again.