Fenri is a piece of shit by Moira | World Anvil
Session 0, Prologue

Fenri is a piece of shit

by Moira Hammersong

I got home from the temple and found that Fenri had run off again. He was probably off stealing some poor soul blind again... he couldn't even be drinking at a tavern with the other dwarves like a proper dwarf husband... no, the piece of shit was running around with more stolen deeds to other people's lands. I can't believe that I ended up with him for a husband...
Our marriage was arranged, as is common among my people... but most of the time, it works out quite a bit more favorably than it has for me.
I arrived at the tavern just in time to hear Fenri's whining voice offer for his wife (me) to accompany a group of people, wanting to try and get me killed. I threw open the door and marched over to him. He disappeared into the crowd, as his cowardly ass usually does. I marched up to the big half-orc lad that Fenri had been speaking with, and demanded to know which way he went. A young pretty manling next to him pointed in the direction of the back room and I marched back there. I liked that tavern... the staff was smart enough to stay out of my way when I was chasing my good for nothing husband.
I found him hiding in a corner like a rat. He said he had been earning money for us, but I know the truth. He wasn't earning anything. If he was, he wouldn't have been holding a stack of land deeds that aren't in our name... it makes me glad that I kept my name Hammersong, and didn't change it like the human women so often do.
He vehemently denied that he was trying to get me killed, even though I heard the words right out of his mouth. But, when he said it was to go and help the manling and half-orc lad who were hired to protect a we of human children, I figured I could use a bit of excitement.
The human girl, Elaine, I think her name is, wanted to get a spellbook that my good for nothing husband had sold her. So, we set out and raided a bandit gang hideout. It was a good fight. I called on Moridan and we defeated our enemies.
Among the stolen goods that we found in the hideout, we found a writ of passage for a ship called the Gypsy's Fury. It said that if we accepted the invitation and underwent the voyage, a prize of 4000 gold pieces would be waiting. It is obviously too good to be true. But the manlings were all excited, and what kind of daughter of Moridan would I be if I let them go without proper dwarven protection?

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  1. Fenri is a piece of shit
    Session 0, Prologue
  2. The Gypsy's Fury
    Session 1
  3. A Journey and a Goodbye
    Session 1
  4. Moira's Letter
    Session 1