The Gypsy's Fury by Moira | World Anvil
Session 1

The Gypsy's Fury

by Moira Hammersong

Well now... by Moridan's beard, this has been a trip...
We boarded the Gypsy's Fury, a large ship that was apparently bound for the west... even though there is nothing west of Waterdeep... The captain never came down from the wheel... the entire time we were there.
Oswald (the half-orc) went to help the crew. I think that he probably helped us get good accommodations... well, good for what I'd expect on a ship. He's a good lad...
The young human lassie went flaunting about asking questions. I think I may 'ave pissed her off a wee bit... because I told her to stop and keep her questions and her voice down... but she's a young lassie, and didnae see the way the humans were staring at her... I have no wish to see any harm comin' to her. So if she's angry with me, then by Moridan, so be it.
The ship is haunted or cursed. I think it's both. The manling, the Belmont one, was nervous so he wanted to share a cabin. I agreed so long as I took the top bunk - good thing because the storms at night were horrible. We could hear stuff rolling around on the top deck the first evening. The storm was so bad. The manling told me stories of his family and his own exploits... not bad for a manling.
We heard a fight break out, so we burst out to fight. Did'nae expect at all to see a ghost. There was a ghostly figure of a woman heading below deck, her long hair flowing as if the wind was blowing inside.
Oswald (the half-orc) came down from the top deck and muttered "Boat's haunted" before heading down the stairs after the ghost. I wasn't about the let the lad get himself killed, so me and the others followed him.
I'm not going to write about what happened, for it doesn't bear speaking about... Moridan help us... I wasn't strong enough, and I could feel the ghost bitch take over my body. I smashed the poor halfling's head. Popped it like a grape with my hammer, I did.... The entire ship was crewed by undead, zombies and the like. We almost lost the children and the orc. If there is anything good about the orcish race, it is that apparently if they become enraged, they can be wounded beyond what would kill another creature and continue fighting... I'd only heard of that a few times before... and mostly in the tales of the great Slayers. Ach... now THOSE are some dwarves, unlike the pathetic stock that made Fenri...
We fought our way through the hordes of undead and managed to survive the night. The ship is definitely cursed... because the next morning, everyone was back to normal... Bori, that halfling cook who I brained was back up and cooking in the galley. He cowered when I walked by him... maybe he remembers what happened last night....
The manling child, Brynden, decided that he wanted to see what was in the lowest deck, and I wasn't going to let them all die, so I went down there with them.
A group of undead were down there, somehow dormant. The ghost bitch showed back up again, and thought that she would be able to possess me again. Thank Moridan that I knew what to expect this time... unfortunately, the man child didn't... he was possessed and almost killed his sister while we were fighting the bitch's construct.
We managed to down the construct, Oswald smited it. But, the thing punched a hole in the bottom of the ship, and water started filling up the lower deck. I'm not stupid, and don't want to drown, so I started running up the stairs with the others. Except Trevor... that blasted manling! He probably ended up saving us all though, because he shoved the construct against the hole and managed to plug the leak! I don't know how he did it, but that manling sure does come in useful! Maybe there is something to the Belmont family after all....
Now all I can see is a foggy coastline. We're apparently approaching a dock... but I don't see any proper anything here. It's just fog and trees... I have a bad feeling about this in my bones...

Continue reading...

  1. Fenri is a piece of shit
    Session 0, Prologue
  2. The Gypsy's Fury
    Session 1
  3. A Journey and a Goodbye
    Session 1
  4. Moira's Letter
    Session 1