Letters to Nike, Goddess of Victory: by Argo | World Anvil

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Sat 8th May 2021 04:28

Letters to Nike, Goddess of Victory:

by Argo Coldtide

I am well. Hope you are too. Let me know when you need me, I will be there.
I do not have the luxury of failure or backing out. I have failed enough in one life, as it is. My family is safer with you than me, more so if something is happening. I do not fear much anymore, as the things I fear most have already happened or resolved with your promise to help.
Please make sure Fal has dirt to study and Santos has art supplies. Mother likes to make food. If you can eat the food, she will be happy.
The letters gradually turn into a habit, something familiar. She often tells Nike to remember to exercise and eat to keep her mind sharp, stating that it helps herself to focus. She doesn't understand everything that's written, but gets help when she doesn't understand a word that's written. She is not the most book smart of people, but the tiredness of Nike oozes on the page and she wishes she could help.
One day, when I have become much stronger. I will help you as much as I can. And even while weak, I will do what is possible. "
She does not know exactly how to phrase it but writes:
"Some have told me that those you care about are the best help when you are tired. Make sure to visit your people. I find little comfort in such things, but mother says it is because I have not found such people yet. My family helps sometimes."
When she's told she hasn't failed, Argo will shake her head and write back, after much thought-
"I appreciate the thought, but my birth was my first failure. The second lies in the pain I have caused. The third is that I am not strong enough to undo what I've done. I can not have a fourth."
She leaves it at that and will continue to try and encourage Nike, though she is particularly terrible at it.
Please do not be alarmed. Your gifts and kindness have caused mother to put a statue in the living room to you which she prays daily to. It bares... a passing resemblance at best.
I have been instructed by mother to learn the entirety of the Greek pantheon. I can not spell lord- Psi-- Posd- the lord of water's name yet. Most others are easy.
Fal has taken your animals and is conducting something called humane experiments on them. She wants to teach them to sing. She has also given me papers to give to you. I do not understand them. (Nike will see a large attachment of papers detailing what she found in the soil composition of samples she sent to Fal and what would be hypothetically unusual for the area given it's location and climate)
I use the hand axes daily in training, they are well made and will help me in any mission.
The goat you sent stares at me often and eats my papers. He stares at me while I write this. He also tried to eat one of my axes, but he was stopped. Santos has made the goat her art assistant, and she sends you pictures in return for yours sent. (Nike will find a sketch of Fal in her "lab", a sketch of the goat draped in all manner of fabrics, a sketch of Argo training, and a sketch of what looks like to be the whole family and the Nike statue.)
Be well please,
I replaced the statue at night. Mother thinks it was a miracle. I apologize if this causes future confusion.
Your sketches are in the living room after mother declared them holy. Neither of my sisters can pass without laughing. They serve a duel purpose.
I have no idea how to deal with cows. They stare more than goats. I feed her often and send the milk to our neighbors along with eggs from the chickens, this may have caused more statues to pop up. Apologies.
I have saved half the holy water, but the goat got to some of it. He is in fine health after drinking it and trots with more poise than some men.
Thank you for the helmet, it is very good at stopping rocks and will serve me well on my mission.
I will be mindful of the goat. I suppose he is holy now, anyways.
The last roosters you sent had broken colors. Fal has taken over care of them and thinks they're amazing.
The gold I did not need because I work often, I brought it to the town elders and they are giving it to whoever needs it. They are very pleased with the statue and take good care to clean it.
I do not doubt your word, but I doubt cows greatly. I also doubt goats who try to eat my armor. Or my shoes. Or my desk. A goat must only have a stomach and nothing else inside it.
Mother has created a small shrine in the room your statue is in and hosts gatherings once a week related to prayer.
While milking the cow I had to direct a pilgrim to my house. Many people visit from towns over to pray to your statue and now Nike tunics and dolls are being sold in the market square.
Hope you are in good spirits.
(Attached are a drawing of the goat lounging comfortably on the Nike statue, a drawing of Argo attempting to get the cow out of a dress that was put on it by some very adventurous village youngster, and a sketch of Nue holding one of her weekly Nike worship sessions. She also sends a small Nike doll her way.)

Continue reading...

  1. Letters to Nike, Goddess of Victory:
  2. On Leaving Family Behind