On Leaving Family Behind by Argo | World Anvil

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Sat 8th May 2021 06:35

On Leaving Family Behind

by Argo Coldtide

I used to wonder why father and mother did not like me. Father did not like being around me until I could fight. Mother preferred my sisters.
When I was little, I remember going outside to find Fal. She was standing too close to a snake.
I went over and grabbed it by its tail, it started to hiss and move toward her. Mother came outside and screamed. "Argo, are you trying to kill your sister?!"
I tried to explain, but mother would have no explanation. I was not allowed to play with Fal or Santos for a month.
When mother told me about the prophecy... after what happened with father... I finally understood.
The greatest threat is not the snake. It is me.
It is easy to leave, if it makes them safe. I say this often, in my head. It helps a bit.

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  1. Letters to Nike, Goddess of Victory:
  2. On Leaving Family Behind