Deal with the Devil by Fozmatir | World Anvil

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Tue 18th May 2021 08:45

Deal with the Devil

by Fozmatir Ungart

Since my last journal entry we left the house of the ugly green and when I was thinking that we are finally getting out of here Evendur heard a voice in his head. It was a sea elf that is trapped below greens house and wanted our help. We, the saviors of the Shadehold (!), decided to save the girl. We found an entrance and broke in. Saving the girl was easy but thanks to my curious ass I opened a door with 3 spiders, 2 of them were giant and one of them was the same height as a human. With the help of the sea elf we beat the spiders. However they managed to knock me and Mestamo out with their poison.
After an hour or two I woke up with an extreme headache and ickiness all over my body. We entered another room and found some good loot. Some potions, a powerful necklace and a pot that creates fluids every day! Free beer for life! And weirdly, some mayonnaise if I ever want to. I'd rather drink 4 gallons of beer instead of 2 gallons of mayo.
On the way out old lady caught us and showed her true face. An ugly and evil face. I'd rather not fight with her. We made a deal with her to prevent any fight. We left the sea elf, Shelara, with her. We need to beat some orcs and get a shiny horn from them if we ever want to save Shelara. Alternatively she offered us to give her a memory of ours instead of Shelara. Apparently we refused. No way I'm giving my childhood memories. Those are the only things that is left that I have.
We are currently in Broken Step. This is not as good as Hearth of Clay but that'll have to do. Oh, I also bought a shortbow. Well, actually Mestamo bough for me. And I can't wait to use it! Wait for me bloody orcs!