A Strange day in Shadehold by Fozmatir | World Anvil

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Tue 23rd Mar 2021 09:11

A Strange day in Shadehold

by Fozmatir Ungart

I met with some strange people in the tavern today. The waitress girl had a weird skin color in her arm that identified as a disease by one of the half elves in the group. Couldn't really learn the names of the people since they were too determined to know the cause of this and help the girl out to find a cure.
At first I didn't understand why they did care that much about the girl. But then they said that it can be related with this town being so fucked up. So I decided to help them. For now we didn't do anything other than making the girl scary. But we won't leave it at here and try to find more by going to swamps.
I've also heard of a place called Baratox Conglomerate. Which is a series of city states that prides themselves thinking that they are just fonded of logic and they are known for their very intricate machinery and clockwork gadgetry. The drunk gnome girl in the tavern regularly sails there. I might use this as an opportunity in the future.

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