Don, PI by Adel | World Anvil

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November 10, 2009

Don, PI

by Dr. Adel Urda-Na

So, Feral thinks she is doing a fantastic job of confusing the enemies of our enemy, but I think they are mostly just amused. Trevor wants to know what our plan is, but I got nothing. I don't know what we are facing so I don't even know how to start formulating a plan. I attempt to listen as our underground team gets into more trouble. They ask if I have instructions for them, but I really don't. I do have a suggestion for next project lead though!
The Hammer Empire group gets upstairs - escorting Don! - and we begin an exchange of information. AIM has found a Hammer empire storehouse and is stealing them blind, but slowly enough that it took a while to figure out who. They have trackers on their storage cases and are able to track where they go, but haven't been able to really do so - until today. We discuss whether working together might be someone else's plan, but even if it is, the likelihood of us being used that way is still probably for the good of Metropolis and we can always drop each other like a hot potato later. I devise a terrible plan, but everyone insists that I come up with a plan already.
We go and ambush the thief team, who have been dodging and turning as if someone is chasing them. We pop the ambush and take them out - carefully. We get into the AIM uniforms and pile into the van to head to the parking garage. Feral rides the top so she - and the Hammer Empire group - can jump off at a strategic moment. Amethyst shoots the electronic eye and then we head in to the next part of the plan. Take AIM's toys away and then go to take over their clubhouse. We arrive and then Don pops outside and begins to blab and apparently tells more than he learns. While they are chatting and attempting to distract, I pretend I am doing paperwork. I suggest to Amethyst that he stretch his legs and go prop on the front of the cab so he will be in a position to get to the commandos in a hurry. I will give him a few minutes to set up and then I will also step out to stretch my legs so I can easily toss my frisbee to help take out either the commandos or the techs - whichever side needs more help.
Then it begins to go klaboey as Don has a gun pulled on him and the AIM team moves into position. I grab my disc and aim it at the commando taking aim at us. I miss of course and pretend that I meant to do that. He fires his disc back at me and I remember seeing the disc used to absorb energy so I hold my disc in front of me as a shield. The other disc hits it and mine seems to thrum - not sure what that means, but I do have a couple of experts I can discuss this with - later! I see that the lady werewolf has been slammed into one of the cars, but I have a clear shot at my current nemesis. I throw the disc and it connects with his left shoulder and a flare goes off as the energy is discharged. Next thing his entire body stiffens and he collapses to the ground. He appears to be down for the count and I look for my next target.
I see the lady warwolf fighting her next target, but he pulls a - is that a wooden chain?? or maybe a chain made out of tightly woven vines ??- out of a pouch and uses it to block her punch. She is not amused and he appears to be as silent as he is unaffected. How do I get my disc charged so I can have an impact on him? Then some sort of poisonous gas cloud is coming towards me and I run to the front of the truck cab to get away from it. I see the cloud roll back to the lantern faced and they just suck the cloud back in! So much not okay with that. I know that the energy seems to work best and then I remember watching Trevor switch his disc over to do the energy bands to capture. I attempt to do the same thing and my disc's glow changes a bit so I aim it to wrap the last two commandos together. As soon as I toss the disc, I can see the contrails and it swirls around them and binds them until they fall to the ground.
I have a moment to celebrate and then a miasma surrounds me and I lose all thought and even the ability to stand.

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