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November 10, 2009

Cautious Beginning

by Dr. Adel Urda-Na

We all gather in the meeting room and share what we have managed to discover over the last three weeks. We seem to have two principal areas to investigate: the Ironworks district (specifically the Lincoln Industries warehouse) and Vibora bay in Louisiana. I decide that it is a better idea to check what leads we have close to home before we go. We drive there and circle the building slowly. I scan for life signs but can't seem to get a lock on anything bigger than a rat - must have some shielding in place!
We see an entrance to an underground parking lot, but that seems too risky, so we find a local Dunkin Donuts and park in their lot and then wander back to the warehouse. No one seems to notice us. The walls on this warehouse are massive and solidly built. I almost expect to see bomb shelter this way signs. It is obvious that they manufactured power transformers here in the past. We decide to split up and head out to do a quick scan of the outside of the building. Boys go west and we girls head east to see what we can find. Then we can meet up .
As we walking down the east side, we chat casually. I see power lines that have been added, new camera placements, though the cameras appear to be turned off. There are no side doors visible in the wall of our target warehouse. Across the street is a mostly town down building and at the far end of the street is an arch that looks like a set of double entrance. that would have been used to move the massive transformers. Since there is nothing weird on our side, we head back to meet the guys. Might as well go in the front door behind Amethyst. Before we head in, Don shows us a sample he found. It appears to be a liquified plant consisting of several different pant DNAs, but it can still photosynthesize sunlight. Nothing about it seems similar to the Society of Ra research I found during our last adventure. Amethyst manages to open the realtor's box and get the key to open the front door.
We enter behind him and see a small waiting area. To the right is a reception desk, a plastic plant, and a black and white checkerboard tile floor. There is a door in the wall opposite so we go through it in to a long hallway with dim emergency lighting. We each start to investigate in the ways we know best. I check the floor to see if the dust has been disturbed. It has obviously been maintained and kept clean for a while. I can see that the old security system has been removed and oddly, the left lightbulbs have been removed from the emergency lighting which makes the hallway darker if we decide to head in deeper. The team splits up and they all head to a different room. I stay in the hallway and then I check with each team.
Don and Amethyst were cackling in glee about moss that was alive and how quickly it dodged and happy they still managed to get a sample to share with Dr. McCoy. Feral and Medkit are standing on a desk and looking at a video. Apparently they found a baseball sized hydroelectric generator in the ceiling. Then suddenly Feral's fur is standing on end and she is telling everyone to get off the floor and onto something wooden. Don says he has an idea and runs - outside. Then there is a glowing purple ball of electricity rolling down the hallway and then it is gone! Don walks back in and he is soaked to the skin. Apparently he did something with the city's water valve. This means they will be coming out to see what happened and that puts us on a timer. I know we have to check out things while we are here. There is a chance that whoever has been using this as a base will move if the city comes out to investigate. We head to the back.
As we enter the courtyard, we can see metal parts scattered around the space. I see a Pyrex bowl and look at it closely. There is a quantity of burnt and singed moss. Behind me I hear Don chortling as he captures a sample from his experimentation that brought part of his sample to life. I continue to scan the pieces around me and can see more burnt and singed moss on the other pieces. It looks like this was at one time configured into a humanoid shape. We continue towards the testing area which also has more of the scattered pieces closer to it. The center appears to be very well shielded with triple thick glass and a slightly open front door. Since that is so inviting, we head to the side door. This is well insulated and shielded and must have been heavy as it takes Amethyst some effort to get it open. When we get in, we see a plasma ball - or what is left of one. There is water on the floor and also lots and lots of burned moss on clock work skeletons.

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