Secret Diary - Keep Out! Game 9 by Taz | World Anvil

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Secret Diary - Keep Out! Game 9

by Taz Shutter

Game 9
Wed 26/01/2022
Anyways, feeling paranoid, I got everyone (including me) to answer questions about themselves just to double check they were who they said they were – got ribbed about being paranoid, but duh, we just got completely taken advantage of and I was really worried about the horn. I then implanted a word in everyone’s heads that we could use to identify each other. Gave Sharky the horn since he had somewhere safe to stash it, and the Doll suggested that she might know someone who could help us get a new hideout that was a bit safer.
We decided to head over to Sharky’s parent’s RV, one of the sucky things about teleporting is I kinda need to know what it looks like to do it. I was hitching a lift on Sharky and after apologising for ditching him he just said “bit too late for that” and went as fast as he could. Seriously made my face feel like putty and if he hadn’t grabbed on I definitely would have splatted. We got there but took a little time for me to get my bearings as feeling super unsteady.
Sounds like we are going up against some dude called Dr Knole whose a time travelling clone of Vector who has a moon base, has powers to clone himself and a bit of scientist. Sounds like originally he was part of Omega and while saving the world Vector disappeared but another Vector (the current one) came and took over his role – however the original got pissed and became Dr Knole. Sounds super crazy to me! I guess pretty important though is that the guys did know a bit about his powers – apparently he doesn’t have a healing factor and isn’t as quick (ONLY the speed of sound lol) but is much better at hand to hand combat.
Bit more chatting, sounds like the Doll wanted to deal with the “Dark Doll” herself, and yeah, I think that’s fair – she’s the one who she took the appearance of, and yeah that sucks. We said we can be there as back up but she’s pretty strong so doubt she’ll need us. She also had the backup of the hard drive so suggested she take a look at it and we meet up again tomorrow.
Got asked a bit about “Buzzkill” and yeah, mentioned that I’d told them and they exploded into paranoia so he was theoretically my tutor but I had a feeling that he was more of a minder. I did acknowledge that my powers were pretty sweet, and there was definitely stuff Mirage could do that I wanted to try, but you get up close and personal with me and I’m not particularly great so might have to join Impulse at a dojo.
We had a bit of a look into “Omar” who was the founder of Glomco, and turns out he has two mansions, one in Star City and one in LA. Wasn’t much more we could do so we headed out, agreeing to go to Star City tomorrow to see what we could find!
Of course, stripy pants was at home when I got back, complaining that it wouldn’t be as easy for me to give him the slip next time. Lol, doubt that! I bluntly told him that I couldn’t trust him, so we went to check in with my parents. Yeah, turns out this is the dude they hired…. Seriously. Apparently he was “highly recommended” by some dude at dad’s work. After we agreed to meet up on Friday (said I was busy tomorrow!) he left, and my parents did ask whether there was anyone I would trust… but I dunno if there is anyone – I can’t ask any of the others parents, they’re already busy with their own kids, and the other ones all seem like they have a stick up their ass. I really wish there was someone I could say, but it sucks.
I dunno, I’m trying here, but it all just sucks
Thurs 27/01/2022
Well our new base is awesome! Doll managed to get one in an abandoned aquarium – had to go there once to start off with but now we did that I can just teleport us there. We also double checked with our code word and got a new one. Seriously, this place was amazing, it even had a glass bottom so there were fish swimming right underneath us. Apparently the Doll has already named a load of the fish, including her favourite, Dio! She also had some techno stuff with a massive display, and had made binders with the info from the hard drives. Sounds like a lot or porn, but probably more interesting was the death rays, and the fact that there was a tracking device in the case that was stolen (but so does the Dark Doll). Also apparently there was a dude called Gerry Anderson in Star City who was his Glomco contact.
The guys asked if I could teleport all the way to star city…. But I’ll admit that I just went nope – maybe at a push, and I guess if I’m not going to be using my powers much it might be interesting to try and see if I can, but I’ve never gone that far before. So, instead, apparently the twins can run on water, and AJ can obviously fly, so that works I guess.
We went to the mansion first just to scope it out – the Doll raised us up and we had a bit of a peer in – a few potential ways but definitely well guarded. Pretty quick we just decided to head to the office block instead and broke in. Hilariously enough, even though the Doll created a massive flower to rise up on, like, no one seemed to bat an eyelid. Guess what they say about the number of supers in Star City is true.
The office itself was dull, but Velocity did manage to find some Nazi reading shit, gun and most interestingly some documents, including a super power serum which makes people kinda lose control of their powers (duh, what we found in the Mall), Mechanised android combat drone plans and readouts of some new energy source thing. At this point the dude comes back, so velocity cleans up and I port us out. He ends up on the phone and I ported over to hear better.
He ended up calling Dreadnaught as the “final components were being delivered” and he wanted an outfit of supers to help protect it, including someone who could see invisibility and one who could detect listening devices. Turns out this dude has a major vendetta with Stormrider, so wasn’t long before we put together a plan to disguise Sharky as his dad and see if we could lure them away. While this was going on Velocity disappeared for a while but he did turn back up pretty soon.
Sharky tried to get some additional info from his dad about it and got some, but apparently he was mid fight so didn’t get much – surprised he got any at all! Anyways I piggy backed on Sharky again and disguised him, as we headed over to the docks which is where we thought that he might be coming from, and so he was. Initially the distraction worked well, though I was super not keen on the missiles that attacked us and pretty quickly some other supers came out and pointed out that there was something suspicious about the Storm Rider they were fighting. – I teleported off fairly quickly since Sharky had to keep protecting me and thus couldn’t move around easily. The Doll easily burst some plants out of a nearby truck and wrapped up the two that he’d bought in with him, while I ported Dreadnaught inside so the others could smash him up.
Soon as we did that, we took on their identities and headed over to the address of the reactor… the same mansion we’d been at earlier. After being shown in we were told not to mess with the bosses kid and that we were to keep anyone from going into the basement. Shortly after the blonde kid turned up, super wide eyes and asking if we were villains. Doll started to mess with him a bit and wanted to drop the disguise, which I did as well as myself. Turns out he’d seen us on the news so apparently we’re “awesome” and yeah, hopefully that means he’ll stay out of our way. He looked super naïve anyways, pretty sure anything we tell him would be believed.