Secret Diary - Keep Out! Game 10 by Taz | World Anvil

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Secret Diary - Keep Out! Game 10

by Taz Shutter

Game 10
Thurs 27/01/2022 cont
Anyways, once he disappeared upstairs we got our heads together to come up with a plan. We figured we could probably get down there but at the moment we had clear instructions not to go downstairs. We split, did a bit of a scout out and upstairs there was a suspicious room above us but one we needed a keycard – quick distraction from the Doll and a quick teleport and we had one from the security in the garden. They looked super freaked out which was hilarious!
Whole place seemed pretty sterile though, pretty sure they don’t actually live here, even if the kid was there, they even had this big martial arts studio, and super fancy rugs over their super fancy wooden floor. I dunno, seemed clinical? Anyways having got the key card we snuck upstairs and tricked the guards by pretending to be sweeping for bugs and that we saw something in the garden (disguised as the guys in the garden) – they knew the guys we were disguised as by name so they definitely let their guard down. Weirdly enough they were monitoring air traffic it looked like! There was of course a tonne of security cameras, and between huge robot thingies, blue crackling lightning and just a hell of a lot of minion people in helmet and goggle combinations, it was definitely evil lair to the tee.
Having checked out some faces from downstairs we were set for our infiltration. There were some big suits of armour or robots so that’s what AJ became, with the rest of us being standard minions. Downstairs there was a dude on watch but barely a blink and the Doll wrapped him up and had him bundled into a store room. We then headed towards the side with that blue lightning stuff, there was a super weird machine with these metal balls which seemed to be continually generating this lightning, and a person inside this tube in the centre of the room. After teleporting everyone through the lightning room I headed upstairs with Impulse and AJ, while The Doll and Velocity tracked the thick cables.
Upstairs there were people pressing lots of buttons. So many buttons, and talking all super technical. I disguised myself as the weird swarmy dude who hired the mercenaries, and went up asking for a report. Kinda sucked at getting much info to start since “The professor” was the one calling the shots but somehow managed to persuade them to give up some info, including that they were doing some freaking thing with a death ray pointing at an cosmic energy rift which was somehow going to be making a super strong reactor, which they were going to use to power a large army of mechanised security troopers. I mean, how cliché an evil plot can you get? Seriously!
There was also literally a minute or so before it reached capacity so I panicked and pretended we’d had some kind of call to say we were compromised and yelled at them to switch it off. Surprise surprise they did but also triggered the alarms, and wasn’t super long before heard crashing from where the Doll and Velocity had gone. Did help reinforce that they really needed to cancel the test which I guess is good, they seemed very keen on getting it shut off shall we say! AJ headed off to bust through the building and upwards so we had an escape route, and Impulse and I ran towards where the other two had gone (Impulse obviously faster!)
Was a pretty crazy sight when we got there, that weird blonde kid from before was all floaty and sparkly and pleading with this other dude in a labcoat, which the Doll and Velocity seemed to have been fighting based on how beat up the area was, but at the time I got there the Doll created this cute plushie thing with the tablecloth and was giving the labcoat man a hug.