Getting Away by Adam Bowie | World Anvil

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Thu 28th Dec 2023 06:11

Getting Away

by Adam Bowie aka Switch Blade

I got the ‘Doc’ away from the other supers. I think I was up against both other factions. The IERA and LFER’s. It was a bit difficult to get away with just one of my targets. It really would have been nice to have some other backup, but I didn’t, and I at least partially succeeded.
Ok, so after I got my target back to the safehouse, I find out that I actually did not get the correct target. The guy I brought back wasn’t really Rolly aka ‘The Doc’.
After they got done with him and got all the information out of him that we were going to get, he was terminated, and I had to stash the body.
I thought it was going to be a good idea to stash the body near where I picked him up. Let those other stooges find him there and think that he was the real deal. Oh, how wrong I was….