To Beyond Infinity? by Adam Bowie | World Anvil

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Thu 4th Jan 2024 08:34

To Beyond Infinity?

by Adam Bowie aka Switch Blade

I’m sent to retrieve some genetic fuel rods, whatever those are.
I get to the lab that they say the rods are in. Dark and spooky, just my kind of place.
I get in there, and there are these six-legged creatures crawling all over. What a place? What in the heck were they doing here? I don’t know, but it just makes my job all the more difficult.
I start to fly over them, but man can they jump. Wherever one of them makes contact with me, there is some sort of electric shock. Land crawling electric eels, yuck.
I make it further in, and there is some REALLY old equipment in that room. It reminds me of some of the old sci-fi movies that Mom liked to watch.
I found this ‘Level 10’ that I’m supposed to deliver those rods too. Strange, I thought that Level 10 was going to be somewhere else.
Upstairs there are more of those strange legged electric eels. Using the furniture in the room I smash them to pieces and collect all the rods that I can find.
After quickly making my way back to ‘Level 10’ with the rods I start into the green lit room. He moves towards what looks like some sort of reactor or doorway, I’m not sure which. I step through and suddenly, I’m up to my shins in sand. Looking up, the sky looks like what I would see from earth, but nothing else looks the same.
I hear something behind me as I turn to look there are two bug men pointing some sort of rifle at me. “ተንቀሳቅሱ! በዚያ መንገድ!” I have no idea what they said, but the pointed with the guns. I turn and, in the distance, I see some sort of large industrial complex. So, I start that way. To be safe, I turn desolid, mostly because that is the easiest way to walk on the sand.
We get to the complex and there is a woman there. Oh, thank God, she speaks English. She’s still speaking gibberish to me though what she is saying is incredible. I’m on Earth, but in a different when? I don’t really understand.
Apparently, the rods are some sort of fuel or power source. These bug things have taken over the complex and Ignis is ‘working’ with them, but against them at the same time. She needs the rods, that dropped to the ground as I passed through the portal to this earth.
I fly back and the bug guys, I think she called them Tropus, fire at me. I’m glad that I an out of phase here too, as they are pretty good shots, but the energy just passes through me.
I get back to the complex fairly quickly and have to take out a few of the Tropus so that we can put the rods back in place.
Ignis flies up on some ‘black flames’ and between the two of us, we get the generator working again. All of the Tropus who were still standing dropped to the ground twitching.
Ignis thanks me for my help “We may be seeing each other again soon.” If that is the case, I hope it isn’t on this ‘earth’…
I return through the portal, and I’m back in the green room. Some of these missions for Level 37 are really weird.
I go back to the meeting point, and I’m told that I am now owed a ‘confidence’. I can either ask one question that they will answer fully and truthfully, or I am owed one favor.
I have no idea what to ask, so I just hold on to my question or favor…