Burning Man Escort by Nox | World Anvil

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October 16, 2021

Burning Man Escort

by Nox

Get-together at the Continental last night was nice. Saw known faces, met a few new people. Learned a bit about werewolves. Went out on an escort mission. Burning flesh smells bad, burning vampire smells worse, but Trevor took it in stride and still managed to sparkle (please don't look at me like that Ian, the pun is funny) and win over our escort. Konrad took care of the attacker. I wasn't much use, but the job secured a meeting with a changeling of the spring court, so next time someone is burned (not Trevor, that healing would've taken some rare fruit) we won't have to rely on an outside human doctor.

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  1. Burning Man Escort
    October 16, 2021
  2. The Adventures of Tom Bombadil