The Silver Tower by Haldrac | World Anvil

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Tue 28th Apr 2020 06:18

The Silver Tower

by Haldrac Hammerhanded

I am cataloging my, actually our, occurrence in the Silver Tower. Home of the Magus on the outskirts of Bloodstone City.
By Our, at the start it was myself and the elf whom I mentioned prior. He calls himself Kryden and seems dexterous using his fists and his staff. I've only seen a few of those individuals on the roads, but they usually stick close to their monasteries. After being attacked attempting to enter Bloodstone, I saw something only a Mage could do. Time seeming to pass around us that didn't affect either of us, or the surrounds, but affected the people. It was like they aged 70 years in the blink of an eye. The bandits weren't affected either, and after putting them down, we crossed the river after discussing with the people whom we were talking with at the Entrance. those individuals, whom we were talking with stated in no certain terms "Oh you returned, what's it been 70 years?"
We knew something was wrong as those individuals wandered off. A quick search of the bodies found that their outfits were stolen guard uniforms, but they had stylized "M" badges which must identify them as part of a group. As we were looking at the bodies, an arrow whistled behind us. Apparently Archers across the channel wanted a piece of us. Taking the boat we had nearby we crossed the river as the storm started to build. A few more bandits attempted to get us but were blasted by wind and lightning from two other individuals. They didn't seem to be hostile, after attempting to talk in the storm, it was not ideal so we congregated within the tower entrance.
We learned that the gentlemen were Coin Cutwell and the Cleric n'Kaal.

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  1. The Entrance to Bloodstone
  2. The Silver Tower