The Entrance to Bloodstone by Haldrac | World Anvil

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Wed 25th Mar 2020 04:19

The Entrance to Bloodstone

by Haldrac Hammerhanded

It has been a few weeks of travel since I left Thar. I've been travelling with some caravans, taking jobs to continue to the Halls. I'm excited that they have allowed us to come back, and look forward to trying to regain the glory of the stories that my family told me... Before Father went on his sabbatical... Travel through the Galenas was a little bit tricky. It started raining after 3 days into the mountains. The storms did not let up, and the further we trekked the worse it got. We lost some folks via mudslides when the rain let up, we almost ran into what looked to be a Barbarian raiding party.
It took a few weeks, but I've finally arrived at Maur-Eturo, walking through the town, I was able to come in with the Caravan, among a bunch of other travelers. I was able to make my way into the city, noticing the other folks coming in as well. One of them particularly stood out, being a common person to the road, i'd know a non-traveler anywhere. This Gent didn't even have a cloak with a hood. What was he thinking! The Rains in Vaasa aren't as bad as along the coast in Thar but it can get pretty mucky down on the Steppes I've heard.
I passed the elf fellow in the main street looking at a sign. As I was approaching him, I noticed two men following on an intercept course, ducking into the crowd I was able to bypass them, but the Elf was already being talked to. They looked like guards sent to pick people up, and they were just going to grab this guy. I couldn't let them do it, besides they were hill dwarves and a little scare wouldn't hurt them.
Interjecting as they were about to cart off the poor boy, I couldn't let them do that.

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  1. The Entrance to Bloodstone
  2. The Silver Tower