Looking for a Green Dragon Lair by Rolen | World Anvil

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17th of Solaris, 1420

Looking for a Green Dragon Lair

by Rolen Liadon

While taking time to guard the sword takes up much of it, I have begun carving out a section at the end town for the Druid Grove that Caoimhe and myself plan on building for Amberlune. I wish to honor my Lady and if possible build a vault for the sword. One day, attempting to socialize with the other inhabitants of Glennhaven, rumors of a Green Dragon seen flying away from it's nest were being whispered here and there. This is disturbing, a Dragon of that size and potential age would not lightly leave it's nesting ground....unless a deadlier predator has moved into it's nesting area. My curiosity was too great, what sort of creature would make a dragon flee? I was not the only one interested. Oculo was interested in the potential horde left behind by the great drake, as were our two new friends, a half-orc named Krug, new to this town and would prove to be a mighty warrior. And an old, half blind, half deaf human named Tyrson, an incredibly frugal man that carried no weapon but told us he had seen much bloodshed.
Decided to secure a potion or two, found a merchant, but Tyrson showed that man to be a liar and crook, still I purchased one potion. I wish these men would be more honest, thank goodness for the aged wisdom of my new friend. Being new to Glennhaven, Krug and Tyrson had never had the pleasure of meeting the Avatar of Amberlune, the magical creature of the pond behind Glennhaven. Just as before, my Lady showed them her power by granting them boons for the strange green gold currency. We set out shortly after. It felt good to once again be on the hunt, travelling and securing sustenance for the journey. It felt good to once again be motivated by curiosity, perhaps I shall meet a new creature created by my Lady. Anything then standing guard over the blade again.
We made camp outside of the woods known as the Infernal Forrest. We bed down for the night, while the others slept, I stood watch and attempted to have a local badger serve as look outs for larger, nastier creatures. The well-to-do badger left and found his way back to the camp with a Gnome friend, or he seemed friendly enough. Introduced himself as Billen Fapplestamp, he asked me for my name but said he didn't like it. Tyrson was awake and cautioned me of this trick the Gnome was playing. Asking to GIVE him my name and if he like it, he would adopt it as his own. I did not know of this transaction but do not agree with it's practice. Tyrson gave Billen a different name than his own, Oculo's. Billen truly liked the name and adopted it, but after the ruse was given away, he was obliged to return the name to Oculo. Apparently there are rules to this name stealing, again the older human shows how wise he truly is.
As the night continued, two small lizards like halfling sized humanoids tried sneaking into our camp during Krug's watch. He woke me from trance and we dealt with the scouts indiscriminately, one burned our by Amberlune's radiant light and Krug's heavy hammer. A strange creature was watching all this from the trees, I did not see it clearly, however it looked interesting, leathery bat-like wings and a tail, wish I had gotten a better look,. It is clear the kobolds came from the Infernal Forrest, their tracks will lead us to their home. Amberlune was kind to us along our route, Treasures and weapons were littered all along the Forrest leading south ward. A very sharp longsword found it's way to my hands, I can make use of it and it's extra sharpness. We continued towards the center of the Forrest, only to find two heavily armored Kobolds speaking to a filthy Imp.
We gave them no time to react, I struck our against the Imp first, Amberlune's light poured from my hand and badly injured the foul creature. Shots rang out, the battle ensued, the Imp turned into the spider and tried to flee. Oculo, being an excellent fisherman, used his fishing rod to reel the creature back towards us. How any man can reel a spider....I truly do not know, but Oculo is no ordinary human. Krug finished he creature with his mighty hammer, splattering it back to it's realm of origin. We subdued the two kobolds and press them for information. We used the path indicated by trapped lizards. It lead us to a massive cave behind a waterfall, A fitting lair for an ancient dragon. Less so for what we truly found within.
A Kobold mage, known as Klobuu, was "Snackrificing" other kobolds and feeding their souls to a petrified devil. It seems our slaughtering of the previous lizards "filled" the devil, it shook off it's stone exterior and came forth with a roar. We leapt in action to save our own lives. I gave chase to the mage, but the lizard used magic to make itself the faster. Krug leapt at the chance for glory, right into the devil, hammer wailing strongly on the boney body of the creature. Oculo's shots rang out again and again, in between his spells. Tyrson.....did a great job using the shield to keep the creature distracted. Eventually, Krug & Oculo felled the devil, while I kept the mage at bay until it too was felled.
As it turned out, the dragon left a good portion of it's horde, useless coin and trinkets. Nothing truly interesting about the dragon's lair, just a place to stash it's wealth. I wish I could have met it. We returned to Glennhaven and reported our findings regarding the devil to the Knights of the Elk. We also split the treasure found in the lair, apparently that is customary when large amounts of wealth are found. I suppose these funds can also be used for the purchase of a well made altar to Amberlune. I should search for a sculptor before I return to my duties guarding over the sword.

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