My Journey to Meet and Befriend Giant Ants Part 2 by Rolen | World Anvil

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15-18th of Dium, 1420

My Journey to Meet and Befriend Giant Ants Part 2

by Rolen Liadon

Our journey to the hill of the giants ants was cut short during our last visit. Taking on the Antkeg and Slicer beetles depleted our abilities to delve further as welcomed guests, so we resolved to return to Glennhaven for respite.
When we arrived, we met with the man who sent us searching for his cousin, Diggory Gondfry. We returned his cousin's acid melted armor and told him of his demise. While he seem slightly distraught, he still saw fit to pay us for this news. While in town, we discovered the wizard Khellvan mentioned in the journal of the mercenaries we found, also melted. I, like Caoimhe, wish to know what his intentions were regarding the ant eggs he sent the mercenaries to pilfer. I gathered this mage's intentions to be academic rather than nefarious, and he gave us the very same quest he sent the mercenaries on. We explained, only if the ants allow us to leave with eggs. He also asked for notes of ant behaviors, I will go a step further and retrieve the scents of each of the different ants, studying these ants is quite exhilarating.
We returned to the Hill. To my absolute joy, the ants remembered us. We reentered the hill and traversed deeper and deeper still, along the way, the ants called us friends or warrior, what incredible creatures. The room we entered next was the sight of yet another battle of the Giants ants against the Slicer beetles, at the end of the room, a warrior ant hinted at following him into another chamber.
The Queen has sought us for an audience. THIS CREATURE IS MAGNIFICENT, her control over her kin is incredible, she is beautifully regal. She spoke of another "invader" within the hill and it has killed many ant. She asked that we deal with this creature, as we are skilled warriors and she no longer wishes to risk her warriors. She also threaten to eat us if we did not assist her, what an incredible offer!!!! Ambrelune would oblige me to assist, but I do so with joy in my heart.
The dwarves and I are lead to what appears to be a Stone-worked hall, it seems the ants created their hill atop some sort of man-made structure. We are lead to a room where we found our invader....a large Bulette. Ambrelune will not have this monster creating havoc for her ants. We dispatched the beastie, despite it being quite strong, but thanks to the Mighty Schmitty once again, we survived. It's hide was tough but will make for good leather, it's flesh will go to the ants for food.
We returned to the Queen and were rewarded for our deeds with royal eggs and than promptly sprayed by every ant in attendance. I believe this now makes us some form of family. I am overjoyed. We asked the Queen if she knew of the Vault beneath her hill, she did not, we asked if we could inspect said vault, she did not care as long as it posed no threat to her colony.
We found the vault door, it's molding covered in runes of a strange language. I took rubbing of them. In the center of the room, in the floor, a gem of some kind. Not a gem but sarcophagus, filled with insects. And a large golden scepter with a key on the end, perhaps to the vault door. Ferrak was the first to discern the keys true nature, opening the vault and avoiding it's trap Within was a 50 foot corridor and nothing more, or so we thought. Behind a small rock was another key hole to which we quickly discovered was also opened by the scepter. Another Trap!!! The corridor began to rise, we all made it out and found underneath it another corridor holding the vault's only treasure.
A sword made of ancient metal, this metal inherently enchanted with Anti-magic properties. I could not hear the call of my lady, nor feel her energy within my body, this cannot be natural. My compatriots seem to think this should be wielded by someone or at the very least sold, I believe should man wield this power. Caoimhe and myself have resolved to build a Grove to our lady, perhaps we could bury this sword there. I am uncertain if Ambrelune would approve of this, in the meantime, we will take shifts guarding the blade just outside of Glennhaven, as we do not believe it should be brought into town. I am uncertain if retrieving this blade was the right decision.

Continue reading...

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  4. My Journey to Meet and Befriend Giant Ants Part 1
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  5. My Journey to Meet and Befriend Giant Ants Part 2
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