Working for the SHELLfish Turtle by Lunadris | World Anvil

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Thu 31st Mar 2022 04:47

Working for the SHELLfish Turtle

by Lunadris Marianath

Missed my last Journal entry. After burning down half the island, we got our water and made our way out to sea. The crew sailed to find some shipping lanes or vessels to "pirate". While out on the ocean, there was a large school of Tuna close to the surface which was SUPER weird. Before we had time to ponder the phenomenon, a massive jaw snapped up a dozen tuna. We prepared for the worst when we saw what looked like a gargantuan turtle. It appeared to be a Dragon Turtle. It could easily munch the ship in one or two bites. We were able to parlay with the creature, using Kalibek's silver tongue. The creature freaked out some of our crew and we did our best to be brave. The Dragon, not turtle as it corrected us, would eat us but we agreed to help it. We were taken by the great beast, Skahonen (Ska-Hoan-en) to a derelict ship listing in the water. we boarded the ship, The Discovery, to find any treasure or supplies. We found two of the crew being tortured by Sahuagin. After some sick moves by Algar and some insane critical blows by Stilga, they were put down. We scoured the ship for supplies and loot but didn't find mind much in the hold.
After searching the upper rooms, we found a bit of things: First we found a crude map for a place called Crocodile Island, a lock box with 75pp, 2 large diamonds, a magical necklace, and 3 potions. Torrielle also found a magical saber (longsword) in the captain's room. We talked to the potential 2 new crewmembers, Sylros the half-elf and Haylen the human. Both were sailors and would work for board and transport. They informed us that The Discovery was caught up in a nasty storm and some of the crew reported seeing a Kraken in the water that causes a massive wave. Could have just been a rogue wave too. The captain had met with an old friend, Captain Alyssa Brand of the Zephyr. That is how the crew knew to check out Croc island. After the Storm, the crew were trying to limp back to port but were attacked. These two were the only two to survive.
We gave Skahonen the large diamonds which he agreed was enough (letting us keep the platinum and other finds). He was agreeable to work with us again to get more things. He will meet us at Croc island and help us stay in touch. He and I sort of bonded over the land dwellers' inefficiency in the water and I told him that we will have them tell stories of the great dragon of the sea.
We started setting sail south and discussed payment options. To change the lines of the ship, we will need 1000-2000 gold. This means we will need to hold off on that immediately. We should find a small port, pay the crew, get other crew members, and figure out what we exactly want to do...