Letter from B to S by Esmerelda | World Anvil

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Fri 3rd Sep 2021 10:09

Letter from B to S

by Princess Esmerelda Pretenera

Dearest S,
I write to you following my visit with our associate, H, in Filbend. While I do detest them, they seem to be a necessary evil for now, and Head S assures me they are central to our plans here in Torfe, and I cannot argue the fact. Their connections with all corners of black market trade in Torfe is certainly useful to us. Head S sent me to treat, and so we have struck a deal with H for more supplies and soldiers. To that end, there is a task for you to fulfill as part of our deal. H tells me they have an associate, loyal to our cause, coming north very soon. They know to look for you, or your associates, in Leviva. Be on the lookout for a Half-Drow bearing insignia of the Bastion Sentinels of Carrak (H assures me that their loyalty to us is secure). It would seem they are being tracked, so have your Wizard get them out of town to Filbend quickly, and waylay their pursuer if possible.
In other discourse, Head S requires an update from you. Your efforts in Bid’Gablanz have been ongoing for almost a year now, and you have had no success in locating the Flaming Ruby. Are the workers we sent you inadequate? Or are you in need of further supplies? Remember, the Ruby is of utmost importance to our plan. I do not want to have to send A to take over the operation. It would not end well for you. G is active in your area is he not? Perhaps enlist his aid.
Until the Seven Heads Become One, Brother