Letters from S to G by Esmerelda | World Anvil

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Fri 3rd Sep 2021 10:22

Letters from S to G

by Princess Esmerelda Pretenera

Your help near Leviva has been Invaluable, as always, but a new possible threat has sprung up. A group of adventurers aiding the local militia. I had initially thought to hire them for help in Bid Gab'lanz, but they may prove too morally forthright. They are currently headed for the Nix Hollow Woods, to locate Jared Nix. C assures me this letter will reach you before they reach the woods, so find attatched a series of portraits. Consider them priority targets.
Until the Seven Heads become One, brother,
I know you suffer a lack of information due to the nature of your work, so consider this an update. I am told that we now have members in the highest echelons of Torfe society, best placed to sow confusion and stall the nation’s response to whatever Head S chooses for us to do here. T in Iarro also informed me that some of the other Heads have begun to establish similar, sizable networks in Talemberg, Ecumiz, and Saloess. On a more local note, my excavations in Bid Gab’lanz continue apace, although I have experienced numerous setbacks. With this in mind I ask a favour of you. While you have been successful in riling up most of the local goblin clans in the Hollow Valley, might I ask that you focus some direct attention on the area of Leviva? I need to bring in some heavier equipment and more workers to Bid Gab’lanz and, while I have a contact in their ranks working to protect me, I could do without the local militia or the Alderman sniffing around, so distracting them with further attacks would help me no end. If you can sort this for me, I will reach out to our associate, H, in Filbend, and see if I can’t use my leverage with them to acquire some items of an explosive nature to help your own plans. Until then I will continue my digging and research so that we may one day soon bask in the glory of His power.
Until the Seven Heads become One, brother,