Guts and Glory by Ronaldus | World Anvil

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Sun 11th Jun 2023 06:46

Guts and Glory

by Ronaldus Swanstone

Journal Entry 44
In the Wizard’s tower we found a scrying table. It’s an art i’d be very willing te learn, but have not mastered yet. My admiration for this wizard Bèr Nolmiën is ever growing. He is a a survivalist who know’s how to protect himself, master of riddles and intreague and a cunning intelectual who can see all that is present and future.
I do live for solving a good puzzle, but he drove us to dispair, bickering among ourselves with our hands in our hair. I don’t thik we solved the puzzle the way we where meant to, but we after a while, we managed to find the mirror room.
His spellbook was just laying there, a thick tome, with alomst a holy glow about it. Reading a wizard’s spellbook is like looking into his mind. It’s stragely intimate, and if it wasn’t confirmed that the wizerd has been gone for a long time, i might not have dared. But I couldn’t help myself. I was like a young lad, meeting his hero for the first time. When I finally looked up, my mind full of new spells, my companions looked a bit more rested.
We slipped past the two debooks we bested earlier. Spineless, jellyfishlike creatures, trying to find a new host to slither in. But everytime they found a suitable body, they where fried by lightning from the wizard’s defensive spells. They seemed so buisy with that, they did not seem to notice us.
We spend a chunk of time observing the cemetary, trying to come up with a way to outsmart the 40 undead in the front yard. Fenrir seemed set on blasting his way through. This boy’s is bravery is always in the way of his common sense. I don’t know what to do about it. Completing his mission is more important then anything else around him. Damned paladin’s. They always find something stupidly heroic to do. But as he was about to do just that, a voice came from behind us. I did’nt recognise him at first, but there he was, Gideon Lightward a.k.a. ‘Uncle Gideon. Turnes out the army of zombies in the front yard where his ‘boys’, and not only that, Fenrir is his descendant.
He knew where the Helmet was and after a bit of questioning, send us on our way to prove ourselves and clear the path. The stench was horrible. The ground was soggy from blood, guts and bodyparts, some moving in a unnatural way. The air was thick with the sound of the moaning boys. And the whole place was lit in this sickly purple light of the companion. We went on our way, Fenrir marching in the front, me not far behind.
The demon’s, had hornes sticking out of their grotesk body’s, and they could jump way too high. Even turned invisible. It was not an easy fight, but we had the upperhand. Leo was blasting them with lightning which he conjured out of the sky and Caja wrecked them with her axe, releasing all this build-up anger on these creatures. Bertha managed to damage, distract and confuse them for a long time, untill two of them got to her and just kept hamering down on her untill she almost lost consiousness. While i was focussing on that, Fenrir got snatched away by this big demon with nasty grabby crabhands. I didn’t have the magical energy anymore to do anything about it, and instead i just kept running after them like a maniac, trying to do some damage so he would let go of Fenrir. But these creatures seem to have some kind of magic resistance.
Then, in this horrible moment, he just flew up really really high, and he dropped Fenrir out of the sky like a child dropping a doll. I used my ring to let him fall softly, but the beast had a way to counter my spell, and Fenrir just plumeted. The demon threw himself into Fenrir, who didn’t move anymore. He hit him again and again, and the horible thought occurred to me that this might be the last stupidly brave thing this man would ever do again.