Genku rescue mission by Ronaldus | World Anvil

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Sat 14th Oct 2023 07:19

Genku rescue mission

by Ronaldus Swanstone

After meeting that REAL Jim Darkmagic fellow, my stomach felt off. He talks too much and I do not trust him one bit. I mean, come on, he has an amphitheatre full of corpses, took our faces away, he doesn’t pay his staff, and now he is building 16 warmachines, and NOBODY is worried. What is a performer going to do with 16 infernal machines?
And now Fenrir not only has a talking bag and a talking shield, he now also has the eye of a Hag in his face, with which she can look at us through him. His eyes are standing in different directions most of the time, and it doesn’t make him look more intelligent. Maybe we should give him an eyepatch, give him some mystique.
Before we went off to our next adventure, we finished some shopping. There was a sex worker pixie, who tried to sell me her body. Leo was flirting with the fiery market lady, but she had none of it. He even tried to impress her by firing a magical bow, but it rejected him, just like it’s owner had done. Fenrir got himself some new plate and Bertha got herself a magical Lyre (a fine piece of work). Caja came back with a Satyr skull stuck on her shoulder. I don’t think she is able to get it off again.
After that we went on our way. We used the motorcycles Mad Maggy set us up with and drove disward for what seemed like forever. When we set up camp, Caja and Leo caught ashy worms for diner. Loulou was positive and supportive as always, and after frying them above the fire Leo acted like it was the best thing he ever ate, but to be honest they tasted like mouldy ash sausages. They were nutritious, so I didn’t say anything and bravely pushed through. We needed our energy for what was to come. The dome I set up was sturdy and kept us safe through the night. Some fiery rats of about 2 feet tall tried to get in, their faces pressed against the exterior, little nails scratching against the surface.
We found an enormous ship without sails, with a huge christal sticking out of the back. It was crashed on the rocks. The genku we sought where trying to salvage an infernal machine. The ship didn’t look like a machine, but since there was nothing else in sight, we thought it possible they had stumbled upon this thing as well. It wouldn’t hurt to have a look. We were greeted with hostility. Halfway into the fight, a Jackyll looking captain appeared, and tried to bargain with Fenrir. He wanted first Fenrir’s shield, and then he asked for Caja’s sword. Caja gracefully offered her sword for the 2 Genku, and they agreed, but when we turned our backs these cowards attacked us with great force. The smaller insect like creatures where already great spellcasters, but the Jackyl turned out a master in magic. I had a rough time keeping their spells under control. In the end only one of the insects and the Jackyll where left, and they fled. Too bad, because the Jackyll left with Caja’s sword and who knows whatever he had on him.
We tried to talk to the Genku’s. They have an odd way of communicating, just repeating everything we say. I think the trick is to trigger a response, to get something out of them they heard others say in the past. They said for example ‘I used to be Zariels mount’ in loulou’s voice, which indicates they have talked to Loulou before, like , before we met her. They also said something about Archangels Zariels collectables.
We searched the ship thoroughly and found a half elf. The poor woman was gagged and bound, and any attempts to talk to her failed. She was just screaming on the top of her lungs, her eyes wide in confusion. Our theory is she was dipped in the Styx, or has some kind of curse on her. We gave up our efforts and decided to take her with us. Our best option was to put the motorcycles on the ship, and try to sail home with it. We searched the ship and we found a lot of useful things. First of all, a text in primordial, which I was able to read through some spellcasting: (TEXT)

  • The Mirror’s Edge is powered by a special kind of water elemental formed from the waters of the river Styx.

  • The strange mark on Barriel’s forearm is tied to the wheel of the ship. When Barriel touches the ship’s wheel, it can bind the elemental to the Mirror’s edge.

  • Binding the elemental to the ship should unbeach the Mirror’s edge from the rocks

  • The stygian water elemental is trapped in a magic item somewhere on the ship, but after souring the area’s below deck Vorcas has not found it.

  • Further more I found a spellbook, an elemental gem, used to control elementals
    and an iron flask, like bertha also has. I seems magical by nature and i think it is possible it holds the stygian water elemental.