Letter of Marque by Vitruvious | World Anvil

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Sat 4th May 2024 09:40

Letter of Marque

by Baron Vitruvious Galen

I've seen my fair share of war, but I found myself humbled by the depth of destruction wrought by the Sindal Civil War. The Former capitol of Drinax is an irradiated ashen waste pockmarked by innumerable and overlapping craters. Only the great floating palace remains, but I would hardly say it is untouched. It's once resplendent halls and gardens have become chaotic markets and impromptu shanty towns. It seems absurd to me that these people would try to rebuild an empire from such destitution. The fringe world of Blue stands a better chance of rising to prominence in the sector, but stranger things have happened.

The current regent received us with what meager pomp and circumstance his decayed holdings could muster, and I'll admit - he'd likely not appear a pauper lord to most. However, I know my own kind when I see them. All the same, he wishes to funnel what little revenues remain to him in to this folly, and I'll happily deprive him of his disrespected credits. With the dubious authorization to raid granted by his Letter of Marque, I can establish my own holdings in the region and he'll have little to no recourse.

I have little interest in such things, but I must concern myself with the needs of my dear wife. She has long languished on my one world and deserves a proper estate that she may tour during her leisure. My initial research has turned up some promising subsectors I could acquire and cultivate into a garden for her purposes (Namely The Borderland, although the Dpres has peaked my interest. Acquiring the Sindal subsector itself would be most ideal, but too many interests in that region make it an untenable prospect).

For now, my base of operations will be the lowly world of Blue. The influential rolodex of contacts I've established there will certainly be of use in both the immediate and long-term. I will send for Rachel when I return to Blue. Knight Hefty would certainly be delighted to host my beloved whilst I secure better accomodations for her.