A Healthy Head Start by Vitruvious | World Anvil

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Sun 24th Sep 2023 10:35

A Healthy Head Start

by Baron Vitruvious Galen

I arrived roughly one week before the rendezvous with the crew I am to be XO of. Punctuality is important, especially in an investigation, and my preliminary reconnaissance has proved fruitful. In separate meetings with both the Knight of this world, Charles Hefty III, and the operator of the Black Market, Izar Guilka, I have gathered significant intelligence. I have confirmed that Ms. Sycca Kawavi did indeed travel to Blue aboard the stolen vessel the CSS Rising Shadow. I have confirmed that neither she nor the ship have left Blue. In fact, the ship is currently docked at an independent facility operated by the Umbrella Corporation.
Before leaving the Spaceport, a woman named Juliet listed an intelligence item related to GeDeCo on the stock exchange for KCr 300 (the colloquial term for this planet's black market). This Juliet is likely an alias of Ms. Kawavi. I scheduled a meeting to assess the information from Juliet, and have spent the remaining days awaiting the arrival of my crew at my penthouse at the Ritz Carlton.
When my crew did arrive, they immediately set to work on an investigation of their own. So much so, they neglected to contact me. I learned later it was due to them having been relayed an incorrect personnel file on myself. I observed them as they conducted their search, and they seemed to be asking the right questions. However, they failed to obtain all that I had. I appreciate their vigor, but it for now it seems this is not a task I can delegate. I invited them to dinner at the Ritz Carlton, sharing what I knew and my current plan of operation.
Mining guilds tend to be persnickety, temperamental, and fraternal. On their work sites, their word is law - regardless of whom they are speaking with. With regards to this particular camp, the corporation that contracted them is the governing body of this world, and the knight is merely a displaced figurehead. As much as I would like to smuggle in my Laser Pistol, it would be ill advised. I have instructed Lord Hefty to position his men in a perimeter around the work site, to be summon in the case of an emergency. I will go to the camp posing as a prospective buyer and my crew as simply a protective detail.
I know that the site is made of prefabricated hab modules, protected from the cold by an environmental shield dome. I know that the work is principally done by prisoners, and that attrition rates are high. Due to all the unknown factors this operation should be reconnaissance focused. Even if I had intention of buying, it would take several weeks to disentangle credits from CHOAM networks for a clandestine purchase. Meaning this Juliet likely feels fortified in her position - indicating direct collaboration with the mining guild. Either that or she is completely incompetent. Both options carry considerable danger.
Our shuttle leaves in the morning. It'll be a long flight and a longer day. I need to get what sleep I can.