Lu Feng, The Black Dragon by Liu | World Anvil

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Lu Feng, The Black Dragon

by Liu Dai Peng

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the rugged landscape as I rode into the war-torn region of Xianling, the Immortal Ridges. The air was thick with the scent of smoke, and the distant echoes of battle reverberated through the air like a haunting melody.
I had heard tales of Lu Feng, the Black Dragon. The warlord whose name struck fear into the hearts of men. Some spoke of his unmatched martial prowess, while others whispered of his insatiable thirst for power. But amidst the chaos of war, I saw an opportunity to prove my worth and serve a cause greater than myself... after the passing of my parents. As I approached Lu Feng's encampment, I could feel the weight of anticipation settling in my chest like a heavy stone. I had heard that he surrounded himself with only the fiercest warriors, those willing to do whatever it took to achieve victory. And yet, despite the danger that lay ahead, I could not shake the feeling that this was where I was meant to be. With each step closer to the warlord's tent, my heart beat faster in my chest, a rhythmic drumbeat urging me onward. And then, at last, I stood before him, a figure cloaked in shadows, his gaze piercing and cold as steel.
"Who dares to approach me?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.
I straightened my spine, meeting his gaze with unwavering determination. "I am Liu Dai Peng, son of the Peng Village, and I come to offer my sword and my loyalty to your cause."
For a long moment, Lu Feng studied me with an intensity that made my skin crawl. And then, to my surprise, a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
"Very well, Liu," he said, his voice like gravel beneath my feet. "You may prove yourself in battle, and if you survive, perhaps there will be a place for you in my army." With that, he turned and disappeared into the darkness of his tent, leaving me standing alone in the fading light of day.
As I settled into life within Lu Feng's army, I found myself drawn to a grizzled veteran named Zhang Wei, known among the soldiers as "Old Zhang." Despite his weathered appearance and rough demeanor, there was a kindness in his eyes that belied his hardened exterior.
"Ah, so you're the new recruit," Zhang Wei greeted me with a gruff chuckle as I approached him one evening by the campfire. "They call me Old Zhang, but don't let the name fool you—I've still got a few good fights left in me."
I couldn't help but smile at his brash confidence. "It's an honor to meet you, Old Zhang. I've heard tales of your bravery on the battlefield."
He waved away my praise with a dismissive gesture. "Bah, just stories to scare the new recruits. The real heroes are the ones who don't live to tell the tale." Despite his gruff demeanor, I sensed a deep well of wisdom within him, and I found myself drawn to his side like a moth to a flame. Over the coming weeks, he took me under his wing, teaching me the ways of warfare and offering sage advice born from years of experience.
But amidst the camaraderie and laughter, there lingered a sense of foreboding, a shadow that seemed to hang over Old Zhang like a cloak. And one fateful day, as we prepared to march into a battle that would later be known as the Battle of Qianfeng, I witnessed a moment that would haunt me for the rest of my days. As we stood on the precipice of the battlefield, I caught sight of a lone raven circling overhead. Its ebony wings beat against the sky like a portent of doom, its piercing gaze fixated on Old Zhang with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.
I reached out to him, a sense of urgency rising within me. "Old Zhang, we should—"
But before I could finish my sentence, a deafening roar shattered the silence, and chaos descended upon us like a tempest unleashed. In the midst of the fray, I lost sight of Old Zhang amidst the swirling tide of battle. In the midst of the chaos, I caught sight of my foe, a towering figure clad in armor as black as night. His eyes burned with a fierce intensity, a hunger for blood that mirrored my own. With a snarl of defiance, he charged towards me, his weapon raised high above his head.
As our weapons clashed, sparks flew like fireworks in the night sky, each blow ringing out like a thunderclap. I could feel the strain in my muscles as I fought to keep him at bay, the weight of his blows threatening to overwhelm me with every swing. But I refused to yield, drawing upon every ounce of strength and skill that I possessed. With each thrust of my spear, I sought to find a weakness in his defenses, to exploit any opening that presented itself amidst the chaos of battle.
And then, in a moment of clarity amidst the madness, I saw my opportunity. With a swift and decisive movement, I lunged forward, my spear finding its mark with a sickening crunch as it pierced through the gaps in his armor, sinking deep into his flesh. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as our eyes locked in a silent exchange of understanding. In his gaze, I saw the reflection of my own mortality, the realization that in the end, we were all but pawns in the grand tapestry of war.
And then, with a final gasp of breath, my foe crumpled to the ground at my feet, his lifeblood staining the earth beneath him like a crimson river. I stood over him, panting heavily as the adrenaline coursed through my veins, my hands trembling with the weight of what I had done.
But amidst the carnage and the chaos, there was no time for remorse. The battle raged on around me, the cries of the wounded and the dying echoing in my ears like a haunting lament. And so, I pressed onward. The battlefield was a maelstrom of violence and chaos, bodies writhing in a deadly dance of steel. I fought with a grim determination, my Ji spear a blur of motion as I clashed with the enemy forces, each stroke of my weapon a desperate bid for survival. Amidst the chaos, I caught sight of Old Zhang, surrounded by foes on all sides. Without hesitation, I charged towards him, my heart pounding in my chest as I fought to reach his side. With a fierce cry, I unleashed a flurry of blows upon his assailants, driving them back with a ferocity born of desperation.
"Stay back, Liu!" Old Zhang barked, his voice hoarse with exertion. "I can handle this!"
But I ignored his words, fighting with a reckless abandon as I sought to protect my mentor at all costs. Together, we fought side by side as we carved a path through the enemy ranks. And then, in an instant, everything changed. As I lunged forward to strike down another foe, a sudden pain lanced through my side, the sensation of cold steel piercing through flesh and bone. With a gasp of agony, I stumbled backward, my vision swimming with a haze of pain. And as I fell to my knees, I watched in horror as Old Zhang was pierced from behind by a foe who had charged at us with reckless abandon. The realization hit me like a physical blow, a wave of despair crashing over me as I saw my dear friend fall to the ground, his lifeblood staining the earth beneath him.
With a roar of rage, I surged forward, my Ji spear a deadly extension of my fury as I lashed out at the man who had struck down Old Zhang. Each stroke of my weapon was fueled by an unbridled rage, causing my foe to crumple down, mewling in agony, his lifeblood seeping from his wounds and tainting the eart beneath him. But as I stood over the fallen warrior, his lifeless eyes staring up at me in silent accusation, a sense of profound emptiness washed over me. He was not some fearsome warlord or nefarious villain, but just another ordinary soldier, one of thousands dying on the battlefield that day.
And in that moment, I realized the true cost of war—the lives lost, the families torn apart, the senseless violence that consumed us all. With a heavy heart and a weary soul, I knelt beside Old Zhang's lifeless form, offering a silent prayer to the Dragon Emperor, as I clutched Old Zhang's amulet, for his soul to find peace in the afterlife. And so, with a heavy heart and a solemn vow to honor Old Zhang's memory, I rose to my feet once more.
The aftermath of battle left a somber pall hanging over the battlefield, the stench of death and the groans of the wounded permeating the air like a gruesome symphony. I clutched the amulet with the Dragon Emperor's visage etched onto it, a small token that felt like a heavy weight in my hand. As I gazed at the amulet, lost in my thoughts, an eunuch approached, his footsteps soft against the blood-soaked earth. "Liu Dai Peng," he intoned in a monotone voice, "the Black Dragon summons you." Startled from my reverie, I followed the eunuch through the war-torn camp to Lu Feng's tent. The air inside was thick with the scent of incense, and the flickering light of oil lamps cast shadows on the warlord's face, giving him an otherworldly air.
Lu Feng reclined on a makeshift throne, his armor gleaming in the dim light. His eyes, like shards of obsidian, bore into mine as I approached. "Ah, Liu Dai Peng," he said, a wolfish grin playing on his lips. "You fought well today. The gods themselves must be envious of the carnage you wrought." He gestured to a table laden with spoils of war—silken garments, ornate weapons, and other treasures plundered from the fallen. "These are yours," Lu Feng declared, his voice dripping with charisma. "Rewards for a warrior of your caliber." I accepted the gifts with a nod of gratitude, my gaze shifting back to the amulet in my hand. Lu Feng's eyes followed mine, and for a moment, a flicker of something unreadable crossed his face. "It seems you've acquired a taste for victory," Lu Feng mused, his tone a curious blend of amusement and calculation. "You killed the enemy's lieutenant general and champion in single combat. A feat that has not gone unnoticed."
The weight of his words settled upon me like a mantle, and I felt a mixture of pride and trepidation. Before I could respond, Lu Feng rose from his throne, his imposing figure casting a long shadow over the tent. "Liu Dai Peng," he declared, his voice echoing with authority, "you have proven yourself worthy. From this day forth, you shall be my Lieutenant General, serving directly under the Black Dragon himself." The gravity of his words sank in, and I could hardly believe the rapid ascent from a nameless soldier to a position of such prominence. The amulet felt heavier in my hand as I bowed in acknowledgment, my mind racing with the implications of my newfound status.
Months had passed since my elevation to the position of Lieutenant General under Lu Feng's command. As we marched across the war-torn landscape, I found myself immersed in the brutal realities of warfare, my days filled with strategy meetings, training drills, and endless marches beneath the scorching sun. One evening, as we made camp on the outskirts of a small village, Lu Feng called me to his side. "Liu Dai Peng," he said, his voice low and serious, "I need to assign a major to work directly under you. Someone you trust implicitly."
I nodded in understanding, knowing the importance of having a loyal and capable officer by my side. "I will find someone worthy of the position," I assured him, my mind already racing with possibilities. The following day, I gathered the officers under my command, observing each of them with a critical eye as they went about their duties. Among them, one stood out—a young man named Zhou Wei, his gaze steady and his demeanor calm and collected. I approached him, my curiosity piqued by his quiet confidence. "Zhou Wei," I said, my voice measured, "I have observed your skills on the battlefield, and I believe you have the potential to serve as my major."
Zhou Wei's eyes widened in surprise, but he nodded eagerly, his expression a mixture of determination and humility. "I am honored, Lieutenant General Liu," he said, his voice steady despite the weight of the moment... Over the coming weeks, I took Zhou Wei under my wing, teaching him the art of swordplay from the Iron Serpent's Wrath style—a technique passed down through generations of warriors in my family. As we sparred together in the early morning light, I watched as Zhou Wei's skills improved with each passing day, his movements fluid and precise. But it was not just his prowess with a blade that impressed me—it was his unwavering dedication.
"Keep your guard up, Zhou Wei," I called out as we circled each other, our swords flashing in the sunlight. "Your opponent will not wait for you to make a mistake."
He nodded in understanding, his brow furrowed in concentration as he adjusted his stance. "Thank you, Lieutenant General Liu," he said, his voice tinged with gratitude. "I will not disappoint you." And as we continued our training, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the young officer at my side. In Zhou Wei, I saw the potential for greatness, a future leader who would one day command the respect and admiration of those around him.
As the moon hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the camp, I sat alone by the flickering light of the campfire, lost in thought. The day's training drills had left me weary, my muscles aching with exhaustion, but sleep eluded me as my mind raced with anticipation for the battles to come. Suddenly, a shadow fell across the ground, and I looked up to see the familiar figure of the eunuch approaching. His name was Wei Jin, a wiry man with a sharp wit and a quick tongue. His appearance was unassuming, with thinning hair and a face lined with age, but his eyes sparkled with intelligence as he met my gaze.
"Lieutenant General Liu," he said, his voice soft but urgent, "the Black Dragon requests your presence." I rose to my feet, nodding in acknowledgment as I followed Wei Jin through the labyrinthine camp. The air was thick with tension, the murmurs of the soldiers echoing in the darkness like a ghostly chorus. As we walked, Wei Jin spoke, his words tinged with a sense of gravity. "General Huo Guang's stronghold lies directly ahead," he explained, his voice barely above a whisper. "Lu Feng intends to strike at the heart of his power, to crush him once and for all." I nodded in understanding, my mind already racing with the implications of such a bold move. "And what of the other lords of Boilchar?" I asked, curiosity gnawing at me like a hungry beast.
Wei Jin's lips curved into a wry smile. "The dragon god emperor remains unchallenged," he said, his voice tinged with reverence. "But the warlords vie for power beneath his watchful gaze, each seeking to carve out their own slice of the kingdom." I frowned at the thought. "And Lu Feng?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "What drives him to seek more power through this war?" Wei Jin's eyes flickered with a mixture of admiration and wariness. "Ambition, General Liu," he said, his voice heavy with implication. "Ambition and a hunger for power that knows no bounds."
As we reached Lu Feng's tent, I felt a sense of trepidation settling in the pit of my stomach. The coming battle would be fierce, the stakes higher than ever before. As I entered Lu Feng's tent, the warlord was poring over a map spread out on a makeshift table, his brow furrowed in concentration. His presence was commanding, his eyes ablaze with a fierce determination as he studied the terrain before him. "Ah, Liu Dai Peng," he greeted me, his voice tinged with excitement. "Come, join me." I approached the table, my curiosity piqued by the sight of the map laid out before us. It depicted the treacherous mountain passes leading to Yunshan, General Huo Gang's seat of power—a formidable fortress nestled amidst the peaks.
"We must approach this siege with caution," Lu Feng began, his voice low but firm. "The mountains are a treacherous terrain." I nodded in understanding, my gaze tracing the winding paths carved into the mountainside. "How do you propose we proceed?" I asked, my voice tinged with anticipation. Lu Feng's lips curved into a sly grin. "We will send you, Lieutenant General Liu, with a detachment to lure the enemy out," he explained, his eyes gleaming with cunning. "While I lead the main force in a pincer attack through the flank."
I frowned, the weight of his words settling heavily upon my shoulders. "And what of the risks?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern. "What if the enemy sees through our plan?" Lu Feng's grin widened, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Ah, but that is the beauty of it, Liu," he said, his voice dripping with confidence. "We will use their own arrogance against them, luring them out into the open where we can strike them down with the full force of our might."
I considered his words carefully, weighing the risks and rewards of such a bold strategy. In the end, there was no denying the audacity of his vision. "Very well," I said, my voice steady despite the uncertainty gnawing at me from within. "I will lead the detachment as you command." Lu Feng's grin widened, a fierce glint of pride shining in his eyes. "Excellent," he said, his voice brimming with excitement. "Together, we will crush our enemies beneath our heel and claim victory for the Black Dragon."
The night before our march to Yunshan, I found myself in the dimly lit tent alongside Zhou Wei. The metallic scent of freshly oiled armor lingered in the air as we donned our war gear, the clinking of metal echoing like a haunting prelude to battle. I turned to Zhou Wei, his face painted with the determination of a warrior ready for the trials ahead. "Zhou," I began, my voice low but resonant, "this battle will be unlike any we've faced before. We march into the lion's den, and our survival depends on our wits and steel." Zhou Wei nodded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of nerves and resolve. "I understand, Lieutenant General Liu. I will not falter in the face of our enemies." I clasped his shoulder in a show of camaraderie. "You've grown into a formidable warrior, Zhou. The battlefield is unpredictable, but I have faith in your abilities. Stay vigilant, and we'll carve our way through the enemy ranks."
As we finished gearing up, the tent flap rustled, and other warriors entered, each clad in the distinctive armor of the Dragonians. Among them, a grizzled veteran named Li Qiang and a young, fiery warrior named Mei Lin. Li Qiang greeted us with a nod, his weathered face etched with the scars of countless battles. "Lieutenant General Liu, Major Zhou Wei," he said, his voice a gravelly rumble, "this was a hard-fought campaign, and it is nearing its end. But I know Lu Feng, and I have no doubt we'll emerge victorious.
Mei Lin, her eyes gleaming with a fiery intensity, added, "Together, we'll make Yunshan a graveyard for our enemies. None shall stand against the might of the Black Dragon." With our armor secured and weapons in hand, we stepped out into the night, joining the ranks of warriors assembling for the march. The air was thick with anticipation, a palpable tension that hung over us like a shroud. As we moved through the camp, I caught snippets of hushed conversations among the soldiers. Whispers of the impending battle and the legends that surrounded Yunshan reverberated through the night air. Zhou Wei walked beside me, his gaze fixed ahead on the winding path that led to our destination. "Lieutenant General Liu," he said, his voice steady, "what do you make of the rumors about Yunshan being protected by a dragon?"
I chuckled, trying to ease the tension. "Superstitions are the tales of those who fear the unknown, Zhou. We face flesh and blood enemies, not gods or myths. The Dragon Emperor's kind is above the fights of men. Keep your focus on the battle ahead, and we'll see this through." Li Qiang, walking at my other side, interjected, "He speaks true, Zhou. Fear is a shadow that can cloud a warrior's mind. Stay vigilant, trust your instincts, and we'll come out of this alive." And so, under the cloak of night, we marched toward Yunshan, our footsteps echoing the beat of a war drum. The air crackled with the energy of anticipation, the distant silhouette of the mountains looming like a foreboding specter on the horizon.
The battlefield lay sprawled before us, a vast expanse of rugged terrain and looming hills shrouded in the mist of early dawn. The air was thick with tension, the distant rumble of approaching footsteps echoing like a harbinger of doom. As we neared Yunshan, I noticed a lone scout darting back towards the fortress, his movements frantic and desperate. A sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach, a premonition of the chaos to come. Finally, we reached the base of the hill that led to Yunshan, the fortress looming above us like a behemoth of stone and steel. But to our dismay, we found ourselves in the worst possible position—exposed and vulnerable, with no cover to shield us from the onslaught to come.
The soldiers murmured amongst themselves, their voices hushed with apprehension as they surveyed the battlefield before them. "We're sitting ducks out here," one of them muttered, his face etched with worry. "We'll be cut down before we even reach the gates." I clenched my jaw, my grip tightening around the shaft of my Ji spear as I surveyed the unfolding chaos. "Raise your shields!" I bellowed, my voice cutting through the air like a thunderclap. "Prepare for incoming arrows!" Zhou Wei echoed my command, his voice ringing out with authority as he rallied the troops around him. "Shields up!" he shouted, his words a mantra of defiance against the storm of arrows that rained down upon us from above.
The soldiers scrambled to obey, their shields raised high as they braced themselves against the onslaught. Arrows whistled through the air like deadly serpents, their barbed tips glinting in the pale light of dawn. Despite our best efforts, a few of the warriors were struck, cries of pain and anguish echoing through the ranks. But still, they held their ground, their resolve unbroken as they weathered the storm. And then, just as the arrows began to dwindle, a deafening blast of horns shattered the silence, signaling the opening of the fortress gates. Without hesitation, the enemy charged downhill towards us, their war cries echoing like a symphony of death.
I planted my feet firmly into the earth, my Ji spear raised high as I prepared to meet the onslaught head-on. "Hold the line!" I shouted, my voice raw with emotion. "Fight with all you've got! For the Black Dragon!"
The soldiers around me roared in response, their battle cries mingling with the clash of steel as we braced ourselves for the coming storm. At the head of the hill, atop a chestnut steed, stood General Huo Guang, a towering figure clad in ornate armor that gleamed in the morning light. His voice boomed across the battlefield, barking orders to his lieutenant generals who, in turn, relayed his commands to the troops below. The enemy charge thundered towards us like a tidal wave of death, their weapons glinting ominously in the sun. I braced myself for the impact, my heart pounding in my chest as I prepared to meet them head-on.
As the clash of steel erupted around us, the battlefield descended into chaos. Warriors fought with a ferocity born of desperation, their screams mingling with the clang of weapons and the cries of the wounded. I fought with all my strength, my Ji spear a lethal extension of my will as I sought to hold the line against the relentless onslaught. But despite our best efforts, the enemy numbers were overwhelming, and soon we found ourselves being encircled on all sides.
Amidst the chaos, I caught sight of Li Qiang, his face contorted in pain as he fought with a fierce determination. But then, in an instant, he was pierced in the side by a spear, blood spraying from the wound as he staggered backward. I rushed to his side, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched him cough up blood, his eyes filled with a fierce determination. With a defiant roar, he struck down the man who had wounded him, his strength faltering as he fell to the ground.
Several other men on our side began to fall, their bodies littering the battlefield like fallen leaves. Panic gripped my heart as I realized the direness of our situation. "Lin Mei! Zhou!" I shouted, my voice hoarse with desperation. "Where is Lu Feng? We need him now!"
But there was still no sign of our commander, and with each passing moment, the enemy tightened their grip around us like a vice. My eyes caught a glimpse of movement on the fortress's battlements. A surge of anger boiled within me as I realized what had transpired—Lu Feng had stormed the other side, leaving me and my warriors as mere bait to draw the attention away from his true assault. Fury burned in my veins as I watched his men raining arrows down upon the enemy from their advantageous position. The realization of the deceit stoked the flames of resentment within me, but there was little time for anger as the battle raged on. The air was thick with the acrid scent of blood and sweat, the ground beneath us churned to mud by the relentless clash of steel. I fought with a blind rage, my Ji spear a whirlwind of death as I cleaved through the enemy ranks. The battle became a cacophony of screams and clashes.
But amidst the chaos, Lin Mei was struck by an arrow, her body crumpling to the ground in a pool of blood. Anguish tore through my heart like a dagger as I watched her fall, her life snuffed out in an instant.. "No!" I roared, my heart pounding with a mixture of grief and rage. The weight of the battlefield pressed down on me, blows raining upon my armor as I fought. The battle had taken a grim toll on our forces. Men lay strewn across the ground. But just as despair threatened to consume us, a thunderous roar echoed across the battlefield. Downhill, Lu Feng's cavalry charged with a ferocity that mirrored the unleashed tempest. Their armor gleamed in the sunlight as they descended like avenging angels upon the unsuspecting rear flank of the enemy. The clash of steel and the thundering hooves of horses melded into a chaotic symphony as Lu Feng's forces tore through the enemy ranks. I fought with renewed vigor, the cavalry's charge disrupting the enemy's formation and sowing panic in their ranks. The battlefield shifted as Lu Feng's forces wreaked havoc, turning the tide of the battle in our favor. But amidst the chaos, my eyes met Lu Feng's across the maelstrom of war. His gaze held a glint of satisfaction, a silent acknowledgment of the calculated risk he had taken. The bitter taste of betrayal lingered in the air.
As the last remnants of the enemy forces scattered in disarray, I let out a sharp whistle, the sound piercing through the chaos of battle. In response, Bai Ji, my faithful steed, thundered across the battlefield towards me, his powerful muscles rippling beneath his sleek, alabaster coat. With a swift motion, I leaped into the saddle, the rush of wind whipping through my hair as we galloped forward in pursuit of the retreating enemy. The pounding of hooves echoed like thunder in my ears as we raced across the rugged terrain, the thrill of the chase coursing through my veins. As we closed in on Yunshan, I caught sight of the enemy general and his two remaining men fleeing towards the safety of the fortress. With a determined grimace, I urged Bai Ji onward, the ground flying beneath us as we closed the distance with lightning speed.
In one fluid motion, I drew my Jian sword, its blade glinting in the sunlight as I charged towards the enemy. With a swift strike, I cut down one of the men, his body collapsing to the ground in a crumpled heap. Dismounting from Bai Ji, I approached the small palace at the heart of Yunshan, my breath coming in ragged gasps as adrenaline surged through my veins. The air was thick with the scent of blood and smoke, the aftermath of battle hanging heavy in the air. As I pushed open the ornate doors of the palace, my sword held at the ready, I steeled myself, the corridors were dimly lit, the sound of my footsteps echoing eerily off the stone walls.
As I rushed inside the palace, my senses on high alert, I caught sight of the other soldier, already wounded and staggering to his feet. We circled each other briefly, the air thick with tension as we prepared to engage in a final duel to the death. His movements were sluggish, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to maintain his footing. With a swift motion, I found an opening in his defense, my sword slashing through the air with deadly precision.
The soldier let out a guttural cry of pain as my blade found its mark, blood blossoming from the wound as he collapsed to the ground in a heap. With a final, decisive thrust, I ended his suffering, his lifeless body slumping to the ground at my feet. Turning my attention to General Huo Gang, I strode forward with purpose, my footsteps echoing ominously off the stone walls of the palace. I found him lumbering towards another chamber, his movements slow and labored as he fought to escape my wrath. With a swift kick, I sent him sprawling to the ground, his body wracked with pain as he struggled to rise once more. But as I prepared to deliver the final blow, a whimper caught my attention, drawing my gaze towards the source of the sound.
There, huddled in the corner of the chamber, was a woman clutching a child to her chest, her eyes wide with fear as she stared up at me with tear-streaked cheeks. It was General Huo Gang's wife and son, no doubt, caught in the crossfire of their husband and father's war. For a moment, I hesitated, my heart heavy with the weight of their suffering.
As I stood there, my blood-soaked hands trembling, I couldn't shake the weight of the choices I had made. The amulet of the Dragon God Emperor hung heavy around my neck.
My mind raced with questions, doubts swirling like a tempest within my soul. Was I to be nothing more than a pawn in another man's game of power and greed? How many lives had been lost in the name of ambition, and how many more would be sacrificed before it was all said and done? I thought of my parents, back in the humble village of Peng. What if it had been them caught in the crossfire, their lives snuffed out by the machinations of men like Huo Gang and Lu Feng? Seeking guidance, I turned to the Dragon God Emperor, his visage etched onto the amulet that hung around my neck. But as I searched for answers in the divine, all I found was silence, my prayers met with nothing but the howling winds that whipped through the mountains.
And then, as if in response to my silent plea, a gust of wind swept through the chamber, ruffling my hair and stirring something deep within my soul. Was it a sign, a message from the heavens above, or merely a natural occurrence in these windswept mountains? I couldn't say for certain, but in that moment, it felt as though the very fabric of the universe was speaking to me, urging me to reconsider the path I had chosen. With a heavy heart, I sheathed my sword, the weight of it dragging at my side like a leaden anchor. Turning away from the bloodshed that stained the floor, I found Zhou standing in the doorway, his gaze fixed on me with a mixture of concern and understanding.
"General Liu," he said, his voice soft but resolute, "what are we to do now?" I met his gaze, the weight of the world heavy upon my shoulders. "We do what we must." I replied, my voice barely a whisper in the silence of the chamber.
I extended a hand towards Huo Gang, the weight of mercy replacing the edge of my blade. "Think of yourself as dead," I urged him as I hoisted him up. "Gather what remains and live your life. There's more than just a legacy of blood and strife." He nodded, eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and disbelief. His gaze shifted towards his wife and son, the symbols of a life that had been on the brink of ruin. "Take them," I urged, gesturing towards the trembling figures huddled in the corner. "Start anew." As Huo Gang stumbled away, leading his family away, I turned to Zhou. There was a silent understanding between us, a shared acknowledgment. With a flick of my hand, I tied my unruly hair back once more, the familiar ritual that straightened my spine and steeled my resolve. It was a symbol of the soldier within me, the one who had joined Lu Feng so long ago.
Together with Zhou, I marched towards the large ornate doors, their weight feeling heavier than ever. With a collective breath, we pushed them open. The sunlight spilled into the chamber, illuminating the dust particles that danced in the air. The air now carried a sense of uneasy calm. As we stepped onto the courtyard, the tension in the air was palpable. Lu Feng stood before us, surrounded by his warriors, his eyes alight with anticipation. But as his gaze fell upon us, his grin faltered, replaced by a look of confusion and anger.
"Why do you not carry Huo Gang's head with you?" he demanded, his voice tinged with impatience.
I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. "Because I refuse to serve a monster any longer," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging within me. "You are nothing but an arrogant tyrant," I spat, the bitterness of my words hanging heavy in the air. "You wage war for nothing more than greed and ambition, regardless of the pain and suffering it brings to our people." I tore off the accessories from my armor, each piece clattering to the ground like a bitter accusation. My bag of gold followed suit, its contents scattering across the courtyard like worthless trinkets. Zhou mirrored my actions, his expression torn between loyalty and doubt.
"But no more," I declared, my voice ringing out with a newfound resolve. "I will not be complicit in your atrocities any longer. I refuse to stand idly by while you bring ruin upon our land." Lu Feng's disappointment hung heavy in the air like a shroud, his eyes burning with a mixture of anger and betrayal. With a flick of his hand, several warriors stepped forth, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight as they advanced towards us.
Battered and weary from battle, I drew my blade with trembling hands, the weight of it feeling heavier than ever. Beside me, Zhou mirrored my actions, his expression grim but determined. We circled the warriors briefly, each step calculated as we prepared to face our fate head-on. With a primal roar, the clash of steel rang out as we exchanged sword thrusts and strikes, the sound echoing off the rocky cliffs that surrounded us.
The fight was brutal and unforgiving, each blow landing with bone-crushing force as we battled for our lives. Slowly, inexorably, we were pushed closer to the edge of the peak, the yawning abyss below serving as a grim reminder of the stakes at hand. But despite our best efforts, the tide of battle turned against us. Zhou's movements grew sluggish as he fought to stem the flow of blood from a deep wound to his neck, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to stay upright.
I watched helplessly as he choked on his own blood, his eyes pleading for salvation even as his voice failed him. With a heavy heart, I fought on, my movements fueled by a desperation born of sheer determination. But it was not enough. With a sudden, brutal blow, I was sent sprawling to my knees, my sword slipping from my grasp as darkness closed in around me. As I looked up at Lu Feng, his expression twisted with a mixture of triumph and malice, I knew that my fate was sealed. With a dismissive wave of his hand, he signaled to the eunuch who had served as his messenger before.
With a flourish, the eunuch produced a dwarven-made Thrund, its sleek metal gleaming in the sunlight. Lu Feng accepted the weapon with a smirk, his fingers tracing the intricate designs etched into its surface. As he loaded the weapon, each movement was deliberate and methodical. He carefully poured powder into the barrel, followed by a musket ball, his hands moving with practiced precision. With a final glance in my direction, Lu Feng raised the Thrund to his shoulder, his eyes narrowing with cold determination. I braced myself for the inevitable, knowing that there was no escaping the bullet that was destined to end my life.
And then, with a deafening roar, the Thrund discharged, its thunderous clap echoing off the rocky cliffs surrounding us. Smoke billowed from the barrel, obscuring my vision as darkness closed in around me.
For a moment, I thought it was the end. I felt my body being thrown backwards, the force of the impact sending me hurtling towards the edge of the peak. And then, as the ground disappeared beneath me, I knew that I was falling, plummeting into the abyss below.
As I tumbled through the air, the world spinning around me in a blur of motion, I could only wonder what awaited me at the bottom of this endless chasm. Was this the end of my journey..?
As I fell through the abyss, I found myself grappling with questions that had plagued me for so long. What was the purpose of all this bloodshed, this endless cycle of violence and suffering? Why did I fight on, when the futility of it all seemed so glaringly apparent? In that moment of clarity, as the world spun around me and the ground rushed up to meet me, I realized that everything I had clung to so fiercely was as transient and fleeting as the wind. None of the possessions I treasured, none of the victories I had won, mattered in the face of the inevitable march of time.
Even if my companions fell before me, their memories fading into the annals of history, in the end, I too would join them in the embrace of oblivion. What, then, was the true measure of a life well-lived? What legacy could I leave behind in a world so fraught with chaos and uncertainty? And then, as if in answer to my silent plea, I saw him. The Dragon God Emperor, his ever-changing hue of scales shimmering in the ethereal light, his eyes alight with wisdom beyond mortal comprehension. It was a vision, a hallucination perhaps, but in that moment, it felt more real than anything I had ever known.
As I gazed into those fathomless eyes, I felt a profound sense of peace wash over me, a clarity of purpose that had eluded me for so long. This was it. This was my calling. I must learn the way of the Dragon, to live a life of nobility and honor, to embody the teachings of the divine dragon in every aspect of my being. For that was my nature, and the nature of all Dragonians. We were not meant to be creatures of chaos and destruction, but guardians of the ancient wisdom that had been passed down through the ages. I was not merely a pawn in the game of kings and warlords, but a vessel for something greater, a conduit for good.
In embracing my destiny, I understood that my purpose was to uphold the noble ideals of my people, to strive for greatness in all that I did, and to leave behind a legacy worthy of the divine dragon's teachings. It was a daunting task, fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but I knew that I was not alone in this journey. The spirit of the Dragon God Emperor flowed through my veins, guiding me towards a future filled with promise and possibility.
And then, with a sudden jolt, I felt the impact of cold water rushing up to meet me. The shock of the icy embrace sent a shiver coursing through my battered frame, and for a moment, all was darkness and confusion. But as consciousness slowly returned to me, I realized that I was not dead. I had fallen into a large body of water, the frigid depths enveloping me in their icy embrace. Pain wracked my body, and I could feel my right arm hanging limp at my side, but somehow, I found the strength to swim to the shore. As I crawled onto the muddy bank, gasping for breath, I felt a familiar presence beside me. Bai Ji, my loyal steed, nuzzled my face with gentle affection, his whiskers brushing against my skin as if to reassure me that I was not alone. My left hand snaked its way to where the bullet would have struck, and there, I felt the musketball lodged into the surface of Old Zhang's amulet.
And as I lay there, gazing up at the vast expanse of the night sky above, I knew that my journey was far from over. There were battles yet to be fought, challenges yet to be overcome, but with the wind of the Dragon guiding me, I found peace, if for a fleeting moment.

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  1. Road to Laighenlia
    28th of Mai, 1000
  2. Lu Feng, The Black Dragon
    997 ACC