Road to Laighenlia by Liu | World Anvil

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28th of Mai, 1000

Road to Laighenlia

by Liu Dai Peng

Today, I left the familiar winds of my homeland, bidding farewell to the Dragonian peaks and the echoing whispers of our revered dragon. Mounted on my steed, Bai Ji, we ventured southward, the chill of the northern winds gradually giving way to a milder breeze. Bai Ji, a sturdy beast with a coat as white as the clouds, carried me through the vast expanse of the temperate lands.
Leaving home was no easy task, the winds whispered doubts in my ears, but my resolve remained unyielding.
Date: 7th of Mai, Year 1000
The southern lands welcomed us with unfamiliar scents and landscapes. Rolling hills stretched as far as the eye could see, a stark contrast to the craggy peaks of my homeland. Bai Ji, though visibly uneasy in this unfamiliar terrain, proved resilient.
Date: 9th of Mai, Year 1000
In a secluded glade, surrounded by towering trees, I made the difficult decision to release Bai Ji. It was the only way I could avoid a group of Orcs. His dark eyes held a mix of confusion and understanding as I removed his saddle. I patted his flank. With a final look, Bai Ji galloped into the wilderness.
Date: 11th of Mai, Year 1000
Arriving in Laighenlia felt like stepping into a different realm. The Inn at the crossroads welcomed weary travelers with its sturdy timber walls and a roaring hearth. The air inside was thick with the scent of ale and the murmur of lively conversations. The Innkeeper, a portly man with a welcoming demeanor, handed me a mug of ale as I settled by the fire. The patrons were a diverse mix – traders, mercenaries, and locals clad in attire vastly different from the layered garments of the Dragonians. I couldn't help but note the contrast in their mannerisms, less formal and restrained than the proud airs of my people.
Date: 12th of Mai, Year 1000
Set out from the Inn at dawn, the southern sun painting the sky in hues unseen in the north. The landscape continues to shift, and the architecture reflects a culture distinct from my own. Stone cottages with thatched roofs dot the countryside, a far cry from the austere structures carved into the Dragonian mountains.
The winds of the south bear a warmth I've yet to grow accustomed to, a gentle caress compared to the biting gusts of my homeland. The unfamiliar fragrance of blooming flowers dances on the breeze, replacing the crisp scent of mountain air.
Date: 15th of Mai, Year 1000
Today marked a shift in my journey. Seeking purpose beyond the solitary path, I entered the bustling hub of Laighenlia and found myself standing before the doors of the Adventurer's Guild. The receptionist, a young woman named Elara, greeted me with a warm smile. She sketched my face and collected details, her quill dancing across parchment as I recounted my travels.
Date: 16th of Mai, Year 1000
The people here, clad in practical attire suited for the temperate climate, regard me with curiosity. My narrow and sharper eyes contrast with the more open gaze of the Highlanders, marking me as an outsider.
Date: 17th of Mai, Year 1000
Accepted my first quest from the Adventurer's Guild – a simple task, or so it seemed. Goblins had taken residence in the nearby woods, threatening the safety of the region. Armed with my Ji and Jian, I set out, the weight of the weapon a reassuring presence against my back.
Date: 18th of Mai, Year 1000
The woods were dense with foliage, the air thick with the scent of pine and damp earth. The goblins, fierce and cunning, ambushed me. The encounter proved more treacherous than expected.
Date: 19th of Mai, Year 1000
A near-death encounter taught me a valuable lesson – survival here demands more than individual prowess. The goblins overwhelmed me, their sheer numbers threatening to extinguish the very winds that guided me. Realization struck: I cannot fight the coming battles alone.
Date: 20th of Mai, Year 1000
Returned to the Adventurer's Guild, my wounds a testament to the challenges faced. Elara, upon seeing my battered state, recommended seeking allies. The idea resonated – a lone warrior amid the currents of danger is vulnerable. I resolved to find companions among the gathering adventurers.
Date: 21st of Mai, Year 1000
Among the bustling atmosphere of the Adventurer's Guild, a woman, bronzed by the sun and adorned in attire reminiscent of a pirate's life, caught my attention. Her name, Connie. Beside Connie, two elves, their presence marked by an ethereal grace that set them apart from the humans. Cailith exuded a calm demeanor that spoke of ancient wisdom. By her side, Elora, a nimble archer, moved with a fluidity that mirrored the dance of leaves in the wind.
The trio, like me, bore the mark of outsiders amidst the people of Laighenlia. We exchanged greetings and stories, finding common ground in the shared experiences of being viewed as different. The winds whispered that our paths, though distinct, converged in this moment.
Connie regaled us with tales of her seafaring exploits and the freedom of life upon the waves. Cailith and Elora, hailing from the Elven lands of Fergalai, spoke of the interconnectedness of nature.
The decision came naturally – to embark on a quest together.

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