A hráve-eating uile by Castien | World Anvil

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Sat 11th Mar 2023 05:08

A hráve-eating uile

by Castien Valmaris

After our fight with the Ghouls, we continued on our path toward Lakecrest. Around midday, a violent storm came upon us so we took shelter in an abandoned barn until it blew over. I took the first watch by the fire and listened to the storm as it raged around us. The Storm's song was odd, and I had the feeling that I wasn't the only thing listening to its melodies that night. The dream came to me again as I fell asleep gazing at the dancing fire. The flames became swirling shapes, the beating of hail on the walls became yelling and the sounds of things being broken before it all finally ended with a scream.
The rest of the night was uneventful and we took off bright and early. The storm had destroyed the surrounding crops and damaged some of the trees; the party was glad that we had taken shelter. After about a half-days walk we finally made it to Lakecrest. Our welcome was hardly warm, the first house we came upon had been decimated. Fresh blood had been splattered all over the walls and floors. There was nothing left of the poor souls who had lived there. It was a grisly sight. We moved into the city proper where we spend the night. Myricaecea and Frilsk spent the night sleeping outside where they were approached by several Kobold guards and enquired about the beast that had razed the house. The Kobolds asked for our help to slay it and gave us a rough location to find it, as well as promising a reward once we reach Amberlight. The party decided to spend a day prepping for the coming fight and I used the day to scout out the old wizard tower that sat forlornly overlooking the city. To my surprise, the tower was locked. A passerby noticed me trying to open the door and informed me that the wizard who kept the tower had not been seen in 15 years. I spent some time analyzing the tower for a significant magical presence and found one, a level 9 Aberation spell over the entire tower. I spent the rest of the night working and then rested for the fight to come.
The creature we found was terrible and nothing like what we expected. The creature was a carnivorous plant the size of a bear, which explained the destroyed house and missing corpses. Frilsk wasn't the brightest and chose to run straight for the creature but was forced to retreat after getting trucked immediately. Moonshadow and I chose to deal with the smaller plants so that we could then turn our attention to the big one. The little ones were nasty with barbed vines that rent flesh open causing significant bleeding. One lashed out at me and tore open my arm pretty badly but I had no time to deal with it. We all took turns attempting to hit the creature but it was well-armored and shrugged off a lot of our attacks. Fortunately, Moonshadow managed to deal it a massive killing blow ending the fight--leaving our group badly wounded but alive.
I couldn't tell if it was from my blood loss or from how hard the beast had hit me, but as The plant fell my vision blurred and the voices returned as a wave of fatigue almost knocked me over. Just as quickly as it had come it passed, and we began the process of dealing with the mess of vines that we had slain.
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