Session 20 makeup by Castien | World Anvil

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Thu 26th Oct 2023 04:23

Session 20 makeup

by Castien Valmaris

Session 20 catch-up
A criminal organization is behind the conglomerate front

  • There is seaside access indicating a potential entrance or drop-off point.

  • There is a large underground waterway system that could connect to an underground entrance. Would need a map or guide to navigate properly. (Also the favor of Poseidon)
    local guards/peacekeepers
  • Could possibly have them wrapped around their finger.

  • Merchant guild. “Hummingshade Merchant Co.” Intake cleric is named Seal Lurasse
  • This could be a positive or negative relationship so more investigation is wise.

  • Buy directly from merchant ships and then sell to other merchant ships that are further along. They operate as a “storehouse” where merchants can offload goods or stock up to take to other markets.

  • 3 total market hubs in town, some are locals some are exotic
  • Rasetgeg Market

  • - Southern market
    Nothing remarkable about it, just facilitates markets for the southern portion of town
  • Tedwict Center

  • - a higher-quality market near the castle
    Higher prices for higher-quality goods, More likely to find a skilled craftsman or artisan here.
  • Gittog square

  • - Has the adventurers' guild
    - More temporary traders there
    - More exotic/rare equipment is found here.
    The dragon has intentionally tried to create a monopoly as it is easier to maintain and govern. Any other major means of transportation of goods are likely outlawed and considered the black market.
  • Any factions other than Hummingshade are likely in cahoots to stay under the radar.

  • Independent merchants exist but their goods must be inspected on the docks by the brine kobolds but as of recently, Hummingshade has been contracted to inspect freight.
    The Purple Sun shipping company does get its goods inspected by the brine guard, indicating they are either smuggling in goods by night or have the guards paid off.
  • Their current operational manager is a dwarf by the name of Iongard Blazehide.

  • - He doesn’t follow a strict schedule and is known to disappear for extended periods of time.
    There is a disgraced ratfolk by the name of Tronket who used to work for them and is still in the area.
    There is an Ilfrit named Hidru who is Iongard's lieutenant and is frequently in the area.
    Underground black markets
    exist in the town to distribute any black market goods being smuggled but we need an insider to their black market goods.
    Would need to quickly gain reputation or validity as a buyer to gain insider knowledge or evidence regarding the conglomerate.
    Possible Ideas:
    Infiltrate secretly (difficult)
  • Water entrance

  • Underground entrance.

  • Other….

  • Infiltrate under noble guise or as guards
  • Requires removing some of their guards so we can potentially be hired.

  • Requires some level of pre-coordination and flexibility when things inevitably go south.

  • Only completed a day and a half, the rest is ongoing and Tim might have the results of that for next session, if not assume I'm busy over the course of however many days you complete.