Session 9 - The Sentinel Games by Aethrondil | World Anvil

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Wed 18th May 2022 03:30

Session 9 - The Sentinel Games

by Aethrondil

I met my new Apprentice from the Order of the Candle, he seems at least somewhat competent and was able to acquire some basic items for me. we'll see what kind of telescope he can find before i pass any further judgement.
What an exciting day! it seems fate truly meant for me to begin my journey in Sentinel. We received a letter this morning from the king of Sentinel, inviting us to a royal banquet with the Empress Kateriah her self! Only a fortnite on the mainland and already a chance to meet the Empress of the Empire, not bad, even by my standards.
If that wasn't enough, we also competed in The Grand Sentinel Games, to which the Empress and King of Sentinel were in attendance. I was unsure about my participation in the games at first, but it seems I am a natural! i was quite effective in assisting my team in the objectives of the games and was able to put on a spectacle for the crowd with my magic, earning their admiration. we were inducted as full members of the Arenas guild and have earned the rank of Pit Dog. I can hardly wait for our royal dinner now.