Mushrooms are a Pox by Cevale | World Anvil

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Sun 29th Sep 2019 10:41

Mushrooms are a Pox

by Astral Genasi of Water Cevale Troxya

Mushrooms have been cropping up in Dolten, and recently we were sent to cull them. Yes cull them, they were living sentient mushrooms, created by a pool of holy energy, which was tainted with the very magic that our Coven leader warned about, and that I've mentioned in the book I've been writing (shameless plug.) After the mushrooms escaped the first time, they hid in an underground cavern. Once the cavern reopened, it was discovered the mushrooms had evolved, and infected other lifeforms with the spores, creating sporified carnivorous plants, as well as a giant erm, mushroom lizard? We defeated that, and attempted to retrieve the spoils, and were attacked by a very large creature, which appeared to be a insects that was made of pure nightmare. It attacked one of my traveling compatriots who'd been heavily affected by the mushroom spores, and nearly killed him, but flew off before it could finish the job.
I've returned with the coven boss Vorazun, and we are investigating the pool. It was blocked off by some strange webbing, and after that was burned away, we came across a large pile of spore affected corpses, which Vorazun then also burned. The pool was burned away, and we were left with a patch of blighted, rather unholy ground.