Of Grog and Gods by Cevale | World Anvil

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Thu 5th Sep 2019 03:36

Of Grog and Gods

by Astral Genasi of Water Cevale Troxya

Went to the Cellar's Deep with my new sparring mate Tarkus. Had some, Questionable, cactus juice, and talked about his Paladin erm… Link I guess with Silloway. It was both enlightening and terrifying in equal measure. I may have found a reason for this hobby of mine... I think I'll keep recording my interactions with other magic users throughout Kalkatesh. Perhaps by doing that, I'll get a better understanding of Magic as a whole, and understand myself better as a result. I may have also talked to Silloway..But I kinda disagree with what she stands for, at least what the apparition claimed. The kind of tenets she holds, seem a bit.. Extreme to my tastes. Seems like a nice, erm, God though I suppose. But more importantly, Tarkus Summoned a HORSE. A FUCKING DANCING HORSE. Man, I wanna learn to do that. And it Drinks. Oh, and tarkus used some of his paladini magic on me too. Made me feel brave, and kinda protected. It's what made me want to write about the magical feelings and stuff. Or rather, made me realize why I wanted to, I guess. But the bar's jumping and my drinks still full. So time to focus on living in the moment.