Sidequest Backdrops by The Big Bad | World Anvil
Mon 20th Mar 2023 12:47

Sidequest Backdrops

by Dark Overlord The Big Bad GM

Whiskers was a small black-and-white cat with big green eyes and a penchant for getting into trouble. He lived in a cozy little house on the edge of town with his owners, but he was always looking for new adventures to embark upon.
Whiskers loved to watch the birds that perched on the branches outside his window. One day, he decided to chase after them, leaping from the window sill and onto the branches of a nearby tree. But he misjudged his jump, and ended up getting stuck in the tree for hours until his owners finally found him and rescued him.
Whiskers also had a bit of a sweet tooth, and he couldn't resist the temptation of a plate of cookies left out on the counter. He managed to sneak onto the counter and grab a cookie, but he didn't realize that the plate was perched precariously on the edge. The plate tipped over, and Whiskers went tumbling down with it, covered in crumbs and icing.
Whiskers finally had a habit of getting a bit too enthusiastic when playing with his toys. One day, he was chasing after a ball and ended up knocking over a vase on a nearby table. The vase shattered, and Whiskers was covered in water and broken pieces of pottery. His owners were not pleased.
One sunny afternoon, Whiskers was out exploring the neighborhood when he stumbled upon a group of dogs who were barking and chasing after him. Whiskers tried to outrun them, but he soon found himself trapped in a tree.
Just as he thought all hope was lost, a little girl named Elsa came to his rescue. She climbed up the tree and gently coaxed Whiskers down to safety.
Whiskers loved Elsa because she was kind and gentle with him. When she rescued him from the dogs, she didn't scold him or punish him for getting into trouble. Instead, she comforted him and brought him home to safety. Whiskers could tell that Elsa genuinely cared about him, and he felt a deep sense of trust and affection for her.
In addition to her kindness, Whiskers also loved how playful and adventurous Elsa was. She would spend hours playing with him, tossing balls and chasing after him as he darted around the house. Whiskers felt like he could be himself around Elsa, and he loved the sense of freedom and joy that came with their playtime.
Finally, Whiskers loved Elsa's company. He was a social cat, and he enjoyed having someone to cuddle up with and share his space with. Whenever Elsa was around, he would purr contentedly and nuzzle up against her. To Whiskers, Elsa was more than just a friend - she was family.
For a while, everything was perfect. Elsa and Whiskers became fast friends, and Whiskers was happy to have a warm and loving home. But one day, Whiskers wandered off again and found himself lost in the town park. He meowed and meowed, but no one came to his rescue.
As he roamed through the town park, he came across a well. Curiosity getting the best of him, he jumped in to investigate. But the well was deep, and Whiskers couldn't climb back out.
For hours, Whiskers was trapped at the bottom of the well, meowing for help but no one came. That is, until a group of Fire Newts discovered him. They were strange creatures, with bright red skin and glowing eyes. They captured Whiskers and took him to their underground lair.
Whiskers was absolutely terrified when he was captured by the Fire Newts. The strange, glowing-eyed creatures were unlike anything he had ever seen before, and their underground lair was dark and eerie. Whiskers felt like he was a long way from home, and he didn't know how he was going to escape.
At first, Whiskers tried to put on a brave face. He hissed and clawed at the Fire Newts, hoping to scare them off or find a way to escape. But as time went on, he began to feel more and more hopeless. He meowed and cried for help, but no one came.
The Fire Newts didn't treat Whiskers poorly, exactly, but they didn't seem to understand that he was a beloved pet. They treated him like any other creature they had captured, with little regard for his well-being or his emotional state. This made Whiskers feel even more alone and scared.
Whiskers was terrified. He had never been so far from home, and he didn't know how he would ever escape. But just when all seemed lost, a group of adventurers stumbled upon the Fire Newt lair.
The adventurers fought bravely against the Fire Newts, and after a fierce battle, they managed to rescue Whiskers. When the adventurers finally rescued Whiskers from the Fire Newts, he was overjoyed. He clung to them tightly, his little heart racing with relief and happiness. The little cat was overjoyed to be reunited with Elsa, who had been searching for him everywhere.
From then on, Whiskers was careful to stay close to Elsa and not get into trouble. He learned that sometimes the most exciting adventures were the ones that took place right at home, surrounded by those who loved and cared for him.
Frank Nolan had always been self-conscious about his bald head. He had tried everything from wigs to hair implants, but nothing seemed to work. As he approached his mid-40s, his baldness became more apparent, and he felt like he was losing his youth and vitality.
Frank Nolan walked into the apothecary shop in Woodhelm, looking for any kind of remedy to his baldness. The smell of herbs and spices filled his nostrils, and he felt a sense of hopelessness wash over him. He had tried every potion and tonic that the shopkeeper had recommended, but none of them had worked. He approached the counter and asked the apothecary if he knew of any new remedies that could help him regrow his hair.
The apothecary, an elderly man with a kind face and a white beard, listened to Frank's request with a sympathetic ear. "I'm sorry, my dear boy," he said, "but I'm afraid there's no cure for baldness. It's a natural part of aging, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."
Frank was frustrated. He had heard the same thing from countless other experts, but he refused to believe that there was no solution. "But there has to be something," he protested. "I can't just accept that I'm going to be bald for the rest of my life."
The apothecary nodded knowingly. "I understand how you feel," he said. "But sometimes, we have to accept the things we cannot change. Baldness is nothing to be ashamed of, my boy. It's a part of who you are, and you should embrace it."
Frank wasn't convinced. He had spent too many years trying to hide his baldness and had become obsessed with finding a cure. But as he left the apothecary shop and walked back to his bakery, he couldn't help but think about the old man's words. Maybe he needed to learn to accept himself for who he was, baldness and all. It was a difficult thought to swallow, but maybe it was the only way forward.
However, one day, Frank was reading an ancient tome about natural remedies when he stumbled upon a passage that talked about a mysterious substance called black root. The book claimed that black root had the power to regrow hair on a person's head, no matter how bald they were. Intrigued by the possibility of regaining his lost hair, Frank decided to investigate this further.
Frank learned that black root was a rare and elusive substance that could only be found in the deepest and most dangerous parts of the forest. He also learned that black root was fiercely guarded by trolls who lived in the forest. The trolls were known to be hostile to outsiders and would attack anyone who dared to enter their territory.
Frank became obsessed with the idea of finding black root and regrowing his hair. He spent all his time researching, planning, and strategizing. He even started neglecting his business, a small but successful bakery in the town of Woodhelm, causing him to fall into debt. His friends and family tried to talk him out of his obsession, but Frank wouldn't listen. He was determined to find black root at any cost.
One day, Frank overheard a group of adventurers talking about their latest quest to explore the forest and collect will-o-wisp essence. Frank saw an opportunity to achieve his goal and approached the adventurers. He offered to pay them a large sum of gold and a handful of potions if they would help him find black root. The adventurers were skeptical at first, but Frank's offer was too good to pass up, and they agreed to help him.
In the town of Woodhelm, there lived an eccentric pastry chef named Oswald Butterfield. Oswald was renowned throughout Eberron for his delectable pastries, cakes, and bread. He had won numerous awards, and his shop was always packed with customers eager to try his latest creation.
However, Oswald was not content with just being a great pastry chef. He was always on the lookout for ways to improve his craft, and one day he stumbled upon a magical flametongue longsword. The sword had been owned by a powerful wizard who had recently passed away, and it was being sold at an auction in the nearby town of Sharn.
Oswald knew that he had to have the sword. He was convinced that the sword's magical flames would allow him to melt and clarify butter faster than any other method. So, he set off for Sharn, determined to win the sword at the auction.
The bidding for the sword was fierce, with many powerful wizards and warriors vying for it. But Oswald was not deterred. He knew that he had to have the sword, no matter what the cost.
Finally, after hours of bidding, the auctioneer declared Oswald the winner. The pastry chef was overjoyed as he clutched the flametongue longsword in his hands. He couldn't wait to get back to Woodhelm and start clarifying butter with his new magical tool.
But as Oswald made his way back to Woodhelm, he began to notice strange things happening. The sword seemed to be talking to him, whispering in his ear. At first, Oswald tried to ignore it, but the whispers grew louder and more insistent.
Finally, Oswald gave in and asked the sword what it wanted. To his surprise, the sword replied, "I want you to use me for something more than clarifying butter. I have powers that go far beyond that."
Oswald was taken aback by the sword's words. He had never considered using the sword for anything other than his pastry-making. But as he thought about it, he realized that the sword was right. He could use its powers for so much more.
And so, Oswald set out on a new adventure, using the magical flametongue longsword to battle monsters and other evils that threatened the people of Woodhelm. The sword proved to be a powerful ally, and Oswald became known throughout Eberron as a hero.
But even with all of his new adventures, Oswald never forgot his love of pastry-making. And whenever he needed to melt or clarify butter, he would simply utter the activation word "buttercup," and the flametongue longsword would come to life, its magical flames melting the butter in seconds.
Years later, when Oswald passed away, the sword was passed down to his apprentice, a young pastry chef named Maria. And just like Oswald, Maria used the sword for more than just pastry-making, becoming a hero in her own right and continuing Oswald's legacy of using the magical flametongue longsword for good.
After Oswald's passing, Maria continued to use the magical flametongue longsword to create delectable pastries and to protect the town of Woodhelm. She had learned all of Oswald's recipes and had even developed some of her own, which quickly became popular among the town's residents.
Maria had also become quite skilled at using the sword's powers for fighting, just like Oswald had been. She had even ventured out of Woodhelm to help other towns and cities that were being threatened by monsters and other dangers. Everywhere she went, people were amazed by her swordsmanship and her pastries.
One day, while Maria was visiting a nearby town, she came across an unusual event. The town was hosting an arm wrestling competition, and the prize was a magical sword. Maria was intrigued and decided to enter the competition.
The competition was fierce, and Maria found herself up against some of the strongest and toughest people she had ever seen. But she was determined to win the prize, which she believed could be useful in her battles against monsters.
After several grueling matches, Maria found herself facing the reigning champion, a hulking brute of a man with arms as thick as tree trunks. The crowd cheered as the two contestants locked hands and began to push and pull against each other.
It was a close match, but in the end, Maria emerged victorious. The crowd erupted in cheers as she was presented with the prize: a magical sword with the activation word of "thunderbolt." Maria was thrilled with her new weapon, but she couldn't help feeling a pang of sadness as she thought of Oswald's magical flametongue longsword, which had been her mentor's pride and joy.
As she was leaving the town, Maria heard a commotion coming from a nearby alley. She cautiously approached and saw a group of thugs surrounding a young girl. Without hesitation, Maria drew her new sword and rushed to the girl's aid.
The thugs were no match for Maria's swordsmanship, and they quickly fled the scene. Maria helped the young girl to her feet and asked if she was okay. The girl thanked Maria and explained that she had been on her way home from the market when the thugs had attacked her.
Feeling a kinship with the girl, Maria decided to give her Oswald's flametongue to her as a gift. The girl was overwhelmed with gratitude and promised to use the sword to protect herself and others in need.
And so, the magical sword that Maria had won in the arm wrestling competition was passed on to a new owner, just like Oswald's magical flametongue longsword had been passed on to Maria. It would go on to serve many other heroes in their battles against monsters and other dangers, becoming a legend in its own right.
As Maria continued to travel and fight against monsters, the legend of the magical sword she had given away spread throughout the land. People began to call it the "Sword of Generosity," and stories were told of its incredible power and the selfless act that had led to its ownership by the young girl.
Meanwhile, back in Woodhelm, the town's leaders were preparing to hold their first-ever arm wrestling championship. They had been inspired by the stories of Maria's victory in the competition she had stumbled upon, and they wanted to hold a similar event in their own town.
As they were making preparations, one of the town's residents came forward with a proposition. He was a wealthy merchant who had acquired the legendary "Sword of Generosity" and wanted to offer it as a prize for the arm wrestling championship.
The town's leaders were shocked but also excited at the prospect of having such a valuable and powerful weapon as the prize for their tournament. They quickly agreed to the merchant's proposal and set about spreading the word of the competition.
As the day of the championship approached, the town became abuzz with excitement. People from all over the land came to watch the spectacle, and the competition was fierce. There were many close matches, with competitors straining against each other, sweat pouring down their faces as they vied for victory.
Finally, the last two contestants stood face to face, hands clasped together in the center of the arena. One was a massive brute of a man, his muscles enhanced by specialized cybernetics. The other was a frost dragonborn paladin, his face contorted in determination as he used every ounce of his strength to hold his opponent at bay.
The crowd was on the edge of their seats as the two men battled it out. Suddenly, the dragonborn let out a mighty roar, and pinned his opponent onto the ground. The crowd erupted into cheers as the dragonborn was declared the winner of the championship.
As the victor stepped forward to claim his prize, the merchant stepped forward and presented him with the "Sword of Generosity." The dragonborn was amazed at the weapon's power and felt humbled by the act of generosity that had led to its ownership.
And so, the "Sword of Generosity" had found a new home, once again donated as a prize for an arm wrestling championship. The legend of its power and the selfless acts that had led to its ownership would continue to be told for generations to come, inspiring others to acts of bravery and generosity.
In the town of Woodhelm, nestled deep in the heart of the Dragonwood, there was an annual wrestling competition that drew crowds from all over the continent. This year's event promised to be more exciting than ever, as it would feature a new twist: competitors would be tied at the arms throughout the entire match.
One of the competitors was a young woman named Lysandra, who had been training for this event for months. She was determined to win the prize money so that she could finally leave her small village and see the world. Lysandra had always been interested in wrestling, but it wasn't until she met a handsome stranger named Marcus that her passion for the sport truly ignited.
Marcus was also a competitor in the wrestling competition. He was tall, muscular, and had a sharp wit that always kept Lysandra on her toes. Despite their fierce rivalry on the mat, there was a spark between them that neither could deny. They began to spend more and more time together, discussing their training techniques and sharing stories about their lives.
As the day of the competition approached, Lysandra and Marcus found themselves growing closer and closer. They would steal moments away from their training sessions to share a kiss or a laugh, and their arms would linger a little longer than necessary whenever they were tied together for practice.
On the day of the competition, the tension in the air was palpable. The competitors were all tied at the arms, and the crowd was cheering them on as they grappled and struggled for dominance. Lysandra and Marcus faced off against each other in the semi-final round, their bodies glistening with sweat as they fought for the prize.
Despite their mutual attraction, both Lysandra and Marcus were determined to win. They pushed themselves harder than they ever had before, their bodies straining with effort as they grappled and tumbled across the mat.
In the end, it was Lysandra who emerged victorious, her arms raised in triumph as the crowd roared with approval. As she stood there, panting and exhausted, Marcus approached her with a look of admiration in his eyes.
"Congratulations," he said, his voice low and husky. "You deserved to win."
Lysandra smiled at him, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and desire. "Thank you," she said. "But I couldn't have done it without you."
Marcus took her hand and drew her close, their bodies pressed together as they gazed into each other's eyes. And in that moment, with the cheers of the crowd ringing in their ears, Lysandra and Marcus shared a kiss that would forever cement their love for each other.
Julliana Trakas was a half-elf with a passion for cooking. She had inherited her love for food from her mother, who was an accomplished chef in the elven community. Julliana had always dreamed of opening her own restaurant, and after years of hard work and saving, she finally achieved her goal. She became the proprietor of the Obelisk Hotel in the town of Woodhelm, a small community nestled deep within the Dragoonwood.
Julliana was known throughout the town for her delicious dishes, and her restaurant quickly became a popular spot for locals and visitors alike. One day, while perusing the local newspaper, she came across an advertisement for a cooking competition at the Fire in the Hole Tavern. The competition was being hosted by the owner, Gus Williby, who was looking for the best local specialty dish to add to his menu.
Julliana was intrigued by the competition, but there was a catch. Gus Williby wanted the contestants to use a local ingredient that was notoriously difficult to find - Moon Peppers. These small, fiery peppers grew only on top of hills, and bloomed only in full moonlight and were coveted by chefs for their unique flavor. Julliana knew that she had to get her hands on some if she wanted to compete.
She had heard that a group of adventurers were passing through Woodhelm, so she approached them with a proposition. In exchange for helping her locate the Moon Peppers, she would provide them with a free stay at her hotel and a feast of her best dishes. The adventurers, always up for a challenge, agreed to help her out.
Vlorg the Orc had always been a curious alchemist, fascinated with the mysteries of the mind and the power of memory. For years, he had been conducting experiments in secret, using a potent blend of herbs and chemicals to transfer the memories of individual townspeople and place them into an artificial core in order to make construct warfighters that had better strategies during combat.
At first, he had simply been curious about the possibilities of such technology - with all these people disappearing in town, could he create a network of spies and informants, with his changeling friends, hidden in plain sight among the townspeople? But as he delved deeper into his experiments, Vlorg began to see the potential for something far more sinister.
He realized that by transferring the memories of those he placed into the artificial cores, he could effectively erase their identities instead and was able to control them as he pleased. They would become little more than puppets, to be used and discarded at his whim as he moved them around the continent of Khorvaire.
Vlorg also learned that if he went too far and tried to extract the memories of the townspeople completely, that their entire bodies would become completely distorted and would become abominations of nature. Some of these townspeople he hid within the town itself, striking a deal with fire newts to find a way to safely feed these distortions of sapient species.
For a time, Vlorg wrestled with the ethical implications of his experiments. He knew that what he was doing was wrong - that he was violating the basic rights and freedoms of the townspeople he was experimenting on.
But as the pressures of his work and the looming threat of discovery began to weigh on him, Vlorg found himself justifying his actions. He told himself that he was doing what was necessary to protect his changeling spies and further his own goals - that the sacrifice of a few individuals was a small price to pay for the greater good.
It wasn't until he received a surprise visit from an old friend that Vlorg began to see things differently. The friend was a wise old goblin, a former alchemist who had retired to a peaceful life in the countryside.
At first, Vlorg was reluctant to share his experiments with the goblin. He feared that the old alchemist would judge him harshly, or worse - turn him in to the authorities.
But as he listened to the goblin's stories and insights, Vlorg began to realize just how far he had strayed from his own values. He saw that his experiments were not only unethical, but also fundamentally flawed - that the memories he had wiped away could never truly be replaced, and that the artificial cores were nothing more than a cheap imitation of the human soul.
With a heavy heart, Vlorg made the difficult decision that he must continue on with his research as he felt the need to continue to protect the changelings that have been so despised in this world and at the same time provide the individuals that lost all of their memories a place to live out the rest of their lives.
In the end, he found a secluded remote village near Shaarat Kol, where the people were few and far between. There, he used his alchemical skills to build a new community, populated entirely by those whose memories he had wiped away. Vlorg then used his changeling connections within the church of the silver flame and town guards of Woodhelm plus his knowledge of the black market of Shaarat Kol to transport the individuals in secret to this new village.
It wasn't a perfect solution, and Vlorg knew that he could never truly make up for what he had done. But as he watched the people of the village go about their lives, free from the constraints of their past, Vlorg knew that he had finally found a way to live with himself and his actions.
His research had changed to try to maintain the memories of the townspeople and was seemingly an impossible task. However, one fateful day, a group of adventurers stumbled upon his lab and, mistaking it for a hideout of some sort, destroyed everything in sight. Vlorg was devastated. All of his research, all of his hard work, gone in an instant.
Filled with anger and a burning desire for revenge, Vlorg began to scheme. He knew he couldn't take on the adventurers alone, but he also knew that he had a powerful weapon at his disposal: his network of Changeling spies within the town.
Over the years, Vlorg had carefully cultivated relationships with several Changelings living in Woodhelm. He had promised them safety and protection in exchange for their services as informants, and they had proven to be invaluable in gathering information about the goings-on in the town.
Now, Vlorg reached out to his network once again. He needed to know everything there was to know about the adventurers who had destroyed his lab. Their names, their strengths and weaknesses, their plans - anything that could give him an edge.
The Changelings did not disappoint. They scoured the town for information, posing as innocent bystanders and gathering intel from taverns, marketplaces, and other public places. They even managed to sneak around the adventurer's hotel room and eavesdrop on their conversations.
Slowly but surely, Vlorg began to piece together a plan. He knew that the adventurers were trying to burn time while their artificer, Wabnuc constructed a fake dragonshard gem for a heist at the Fire Spire. As a result he came up with two moves. Vlorg had one of his contacts inform Parack that someone was intending to swipe some of his gems and that he should plan accordingly. He then placed a false post on the adventurer's guild bulletin board in the hope that they would accept the quest and would fall into his trap.