Session 10 Stories by The Big Bad | World Anvil
Tue 28th Mar 2023 03:45

Session 10 Stories

by Dark Overlord The Big Bad GM

In the small town of Woodhelm, there was an orphanage where many children lived. Among them was a brave boy named Jack, who was known for his courage and determination.
One day, a group of adventurers came mysteriously from the basement of the orphanage. They were armed with swords, shields, and magic, and seemed to be on a mission. The other children were afraid, but Jack was curious.
When the adventurers saw Jack, they were taken aback. They didn't expect a young boy to be so brave. They offered him a gold piece to keep quiet, and Jack saw an opportunity.
He accepted the gold piece and told the adventurers he would keep their secret. However, he also had a plan to use the information to benefit the town. Jack knew that the adventurers had money and were ripe for pickpocketing.
Jack went to the villagers nearby and told them about the adventurers' presence and the gold they had. The villagers listened to Jack's information and kept a close eye on the movements of the adventurers.
The adventurers continued their daily activities around town, but they didn't realize that they were being watched. Jack's plan worked, and soon enough, some of the pickpockets in town managed to steal some of the adventurers' gold.
When the adventurers realized that their money was missing, they were furious. They accused the villagers of stealing from them, but no one was caught in the act. Jack watched from a distance and smiled, knowing that he had helped the town gain a little bit more wealth.
From that day on, Jack was known as the brave boy who outsmarted the adventurers.