After Action Report: :tropeR noitcA retfA by Dr. Siegfried Klaus Von Grimmelshausen | World Anvil
Tue 12th Mar 2019 08:22

After Action Report: :tropeR noitcA retfA

by Dr. Siegfried Klaus Von Grimmelshausen

The entirety of this journal entry is written in Necril

And here I was beginning to think that this mission would never. So much confusion and mystery and yet I still don't feel like many of my questions have been answered. From the very beginning, this mission felt wrong. Alternate mirror dimensions, beasts not seen for 30 years twisted beyond imagining, a mysterious purple goop that acted as a biological weapon, clones made of that goop, and a secret society long thought defeated.

I had thought that the loaded deck had screened our missions well enough that we wouldn't be stuck with the crazy living god artifact stuff but here we are again. What started off as a normal beast hunting mission soon turned very weird basically five minutes after we got there. Soon after we began our investigations of the destroyed sites we ran into one of the leaders of the nearby city of Atrugate, Thea. Somehow this Thea had begun to hear a voice in her head, something about being either the voice of the world or the voice of nature? I never understood it and it was never really EVER brought up again. After that, the weirdly mutated wolves began to attack and Luna began to hear the voice as well. Eventually, our travels led to a cave where we had to do a bunch of really weird tasks to get to an altar where we discovered the body of another Atrugate leader and a knife that could create portals out of thin air. Oh, and then the bear attacked, I almost forgot that part. Anyways, eventually Atrugate was attacked and soon afterwards we met Luna's stepdad and he began to explain a bit about the bear. It had somehow managed to get half of an artifact lodged into its chest and it was somehow creating allowing it to become incredibly dangerous and powerful. Some point afterward, we went and confronted Senra. Sorry, I meant a CLONE of Senra. Oh, and the bear came back for that battle. Somehow the weirdest part of that mission was yet to come.

Sometime after that a divine beast decided to show up and attack Atrugate leading to a dreadnaught appearing to help deal with it and also the Lord Protector himself showing up. Eventually, someone decided that it would probably be a good idea to go hunt down the Senras hiding in the bunker in the main tower in Atrugate. Apparently, the Order had decided to hide a bunch of stuff down there, use the flipside version as a base, and add even more secret rooms, like a cloning facility! This is where we learned stuff like the fact that the Order had lured the divine beast into attacking Atrugate in order to sneak in more members, that one of the past lunas was used a template for the cloning stuff, Senra was excommunicado from the Order, oh and also the fact that we were had picked for this mission by the Order because we had a samsaran! Yeah, they really dropped the ball on the whole screening process idea. Anyways we killed the Senras and destroyed one of their cloning facilities. I said one because it turns out that THEY HAVE EVEN MORE. After that Tairn gave us the contract to kill every Senra that we run into, which was awkward when we ran into the one good Senra that Sef had somehow learned about after merging with his flipside version. This good Senra had luckily been in possession of the half of the artifact that wasn't lodged into the bear. Once that was dealt with we moved onto dealing with an ancient druidic temple that had been used for ancient samsarans to discover their purpose or something like that at least. During that time we ran into a puzzle that involved a pool of water that could bring anything thrown into it back to life, which is a great idea when Aahi is around. She decided to throw the head of Senkas into it and we had to end up killing him again. At least it wasn't the ashes of Dracula. We did end up using the energy from Senra's death to bring back Van Helsing, who disappeared less than 24 hours later. Oh, and Sef got a new dog out of it as well. We then moved onto Mt. Blue which turned out to be an ancient Burial site for Luna's past life the Saint. ONE THE OTHER SIDE WAS A MACHINE TO BRING BACK THE DEAD I THINK. We then killed Senra and moved onto the last few battles for this mission. It turns out that there was a flipside version of the Tesmeri dreadnaught that had members of the Order on it! Oh and apparently the Third Legion had shown up with their dreadnaught at some time and we ended up meeting a few of their captains and had lunch with the second captain and Tairn. Anyways, with the help of Tannic, we managed to board the dreadnaught, deal with a ton of people who were a lot weaker than I had imagined, and then killed the last of the evil Senras leaving only the good one left. Soon after we found out that Tannic had died and that Thea's brother was the one that killed him. The so-called 'kingslayer' had been the one that gave us the heart in the first place and set the reactors on the ship to have a meltdown. Luckily we managed to jump into realspace and escape through an escape pod before the dreadnaught crashed into the ocean and 'mysteriously' disappeared.

AS IF NONE OF THIS WAS CRAZY ENOUGH, THE EMPEROR HIMSELF DECIDED TO ACTUALLY LEAVE HIS PALACE FOR ONCE. Do I really need to recap this part? I think we all know what happened on this day. Someone tell me when they've got the actual figures for how many died and I'll be sure to include it in this part.

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This part of the journal is quadruple encrypted and written in Aboleth. It's also serious character spoilers so I really don't recommend reading this if you want to learn stuff naturally.

I'm so sorry but this must be kept secret at all costs. I have not had a chance to write down the events that occurred between the two missions and feel like it should be mentioned here. In the off chance that I am dead, this will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Shortly after returning from the Dracula mission, I received a letter telling me that I was indefinitely suspended and had to attend a meeting. I was led to some of the higher levels for this meeting, the kind that you don't get into unless you have a very specific keycard, which I now do. Seriously not even Sef could get into this part. The meeting consisted of me giving my account of what happened during the previous mission in a military tribunal style. Once my part was over, they told me there's. I was selected for a position in Squad Zero, a full on black operations squad. As far as the Loaded Deck is concerned, we don't exist. Squad Zero deals mainly with research and security of loaded deck operatives. I was chosen because they needed someone from my squad to keep an eye on everything. We are being targeted and Squad Zero wants to know why. I was chosen because I am the only one who they could fully trust. They know everything there is to know about our past lives, they know about my lich problems. We are worried about potential traitors in our midst, perhaps even my squad. Logan's past just doesn't exist, it's almost as if he was created on that island, that's what they said at least. When this information is paired with the information Mephistopheles told us, it is clear that something is going on in that continent, and none of us know what. That can be dealt with at a later date at least. Luna's past is too spotty, too many people could come up from it and want to kill us for what she's done in the past. Aahi, well she's Aahi. So very uncontrollable and chaotic. Sef is the least likely of them all, but he's still so eager to please his family and his church. Those were the reasons they gave for me to keep an eye on everything and why only I could be trusted enough. At this time, I must begin preparations to deal with any of them should the need to do so arise, I just hope and pray that I'll never need to use any of these plans.

The very first mission I was given was to investigate the strange flipside universe, collect samples of it, and to find and secure the artifact that had caused it all. Well, that last part didn't end up working so well since the paladin decided to hold onto his god's holy artifact. THAT WAS UNTIL HE GAVE IT SOMEONE AND REFUSING TO SAY ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT IT. "Temporal Anomaly" is what the lead engineer said around the time that it vanished. Whatever happened, only Sef can tell us and he will probably take that to his grave. But luckily they gave me a second mission that was far more insane to pull off and yet so much easier. My second official Squad Zero mission was to hijack and steal the flipside Nature's Folly. That jump that the Folly performed as it fell into the water was no accident, it was fully intended to happen that way. With the flipside Nature's Folly secured by Squad Zero, I can safely say that I look forward to my next meeting.

Meanwhile there is the problem of the book given to me by Mephistopheles, The First Immortal. The story of the architect and her creation of the trials. So many questions and yet so much danger. Am I strong enough to learn the truth that made changed even the greatest of all the immortals? To learn the greatest shame of the great pantheon? To learn heresy so powerful and dangerous that the gods will try to silence me? Perhaps not, but I will do my best to push the squad towards taking on the first trial and gaining first tier immortality. Perhaps I will be first to take the trials while knowing the truth that has long since been buried, perhaps I will be the only one to take the trials knowing about their architect. For they were not created by the gods, but by an immortal.

So many questions and yet so few answers. It will be nice to return to my second home, Oshen, for a while. I fear that the Order will not sit idly by and watch these peace talks go on. They have been a thorn in our sides this entire time, and I doubt that they will stop being one anytime soon. Perhaps one day we will learn what this 'kingslayer' is made out of. Until then, I have research to deal with and plans to form.

The rest of the journal is filled with sketches of mutated wolves, eagles, the bear, Senra, and the Nature's Folly