Case of the Psychic's Lament, Part 4 by The Shadow | World Anvil

Case of the Psychic's Lament, Part 4

by The Shadow

I catch up to Psyher and Agent Chameleon who are watching some thin man dressed in red who is making a conspiracy board with torn bits of information. His clothing looks like a red jumpsuit of some kind. Running suit? I wasn't sure.
The sun has set behind most of the buildings so it's before twilight but still, no direct sunlight. I cloud minds around me, then move forward to about 10 feet behind the man. I want to see the conspiracy board, get a closer look to see any serial numbers or inventory markers.
There has to be a method to what he is keeping against what he is discarding. Some pattern with what he is trying to do.
I approach directly toward him between the shipping container. Mostly downhill. My approach is slow, staggered. The man is looking around. He could be paranoid, nervous, or just cautious. Could be all of it.
The conspiracy board is just flat head tacks holding info on the corkboard. No strings connecting any information. He's assembling something complicated following an idea that may not make sense. Information is even antique newspaper or old style printer paper. Others are bits from hand written letters, and more. It looks like he's staying with paper, microfiche, and similar items. Oddly, he as a weatherproofing spray like he's going to shellack the thing once he's done.
That suggests he's going to travel with it. Also, that he expects to be in locations with extreme temperature or climates. So this just suggests he plan on using this board, really its contents, as some sort of guide or 'map'. Maybe even a blueprint.
But I did notice that his interest is possibly global, with bits of information that ranges beyond the local area. I watched a little while longer. Yes, that means he's destroying more personal property that is likely not his. It came down to either stop him, or observe him a moment longer to tease out what he might be up to.
Global. That catches my attention. I remember the visions and locations from before that ranged from Columbia Street around here, to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to beyond the border of Canada and maybe elsewhere.
So, I took a closer look.
Major Atlantic Ocean current maps, Eastern Canada, an island in the ocean marked 'UR'. He's also interested in the Caymans, Vanuatu, Southern Russia - China border. I use my phone to take pictures of the conspiracy board, the man, and all that I can. After that, I let the echo... an illusion... of my laughter echo in the air above him.
I talk to him, quiz him to get more information. He says he's looking for the "local ring" and wants to erase the "evidence". Through his ranting, the pieces come together that he's looking for people associated with certain events in history. Moments that impacted the city and regions.
Through his rants, the pattern was coming out. He's one of several out looking to target specific people and events. They are working for someone called the Master or Mastermind who is looking to rewrite history for his own means. Some of this involves erasing people.
I needed more detail, so I tried to pry through his mental instability and hypnotize him.
"Tell me what the ring looks like to you":
The ring is made of the moments when history makes too much sense, when history follows a script and not chaos. When a man vanished in 1940s. Man who came out of the sea and didn't know his name.
Then I pressed him on the Transcorp building. He knew all about it. The Master has no idea who was in there, or how that building and its occupants time traveled. But the Master is after those people and the device.
I grab for a piece on the board. It sets him off and he attacks me. Psypher and Kitsune jump in instantly after I grab for the board. Kitsune removes that box cutter from the guy's hand, while I hypnotize him into seeing another 'me' run off with the board. That causes him to go frantic. We take him down easily after that.
We quickly start to catalog everything. Kitsune searches the man in the red jumpsuit. I collect all the pieces from the conspiracy board, collecting it in a makeshift container from envelopes from one of the boxes. The law firm box specifically.
As for the boxes, they are from all over. Some are surveys of NYC in the 1800s. A box from a law firm. All sorts of boxes from different locations. One that stands out is a box from Safeguard.
Sorting will take time, But I suspect the law firm alone could be connected to Transcorp, the decaying fabrication shop or both. Not to mention to the Science Court that were involved in the Transcorp incident. By extension myself, Moon Knight and Kitsune who were also involved.
But we need to sort though the boxes and get them back to where they belong.