Entry #1: The Incident by Afthisdryn | World Anvil
7540MW, 3, 8

Entry #1: The Incident

by Captain Afthisdryn Sefris Syvwlchmaere

I don't think I've ever had a day such as this in my entire life.
When I arrived at the tavern the largest bird I had ever seen was perched outside. It looked fairly docile, but you can tell that thing was dangerous, and I could've sworn it was giving me the evils. I'd say given the chance it could have easily flew off with me, even in full plate. terrifying.
Inside there were already a few patrons, of which I assumed were mostly there for the same reason I was. I spoke to a tall lady at the bar, called Luna, and a curious individual who had never used money before.
Before long we were rallied up by one Sergeant Collier, who had been observing us and our behaviour in the bar. He explained that in order to become full members of this group we would need to work under this company, The Loaded deck, for a minimum of two years with a preselected group. After which we would be assigned a squad of own to go on our own missions.
We had a small presentation of our skills, I assume to weed out anybody not cut out for the job, and sent the others (Including myself) to a gigantic airship known as Dealers Run.
Our time here was incredibly brief. After gathering into a hall, we were assigned to a group, led by Sergeant Collier. He didn’t seem terribly happy with this outcome; I would shortly discover why.
Our group comprised of the following people: Lunaria Isatis Annua, a Samsaran Druid, Logan Dio De Mare, a self-proclaimed human bard, Dr. Siegfried Klaus Von Grimmelshausen, an Alchemist, and Faraahi Hellesfentotahr Huaradhi Thunderflank Andeema , an undine witch.
Luna, as it turns out, is the owner of the terrifying bird that was outside the tavern. It is apparently a Roc called Meteor. Of the group she is almost definitely the most level headed of the rest, Though she appears to have a problem with the Emperor; my supposed worship is in her eyes heretical and even had the audacity to call him a FALSE GOD. I had prepared myself in the event of those with a different belief, but even so it certainly caused distress.
Logan, is… A problem. From my impressions from the day he is a heavily drinking, loud-mouthed and irritating individual, who seems to appreciate causing myself and the others grief. Within moments of entering the Quarters he insisted on calling me ‘Church boy’ and wanted me to partake in drinking with him. I now have to share a room with this individual, so I will most likely have to write these entries down in a different language to snuff out any possibilities of him reading in on my personal thoughts... I may have to speak to Luna to arrange this.
Dr Siegfried is, well.. I’m not really sure. Outside of listing his profession and name he didn’t really say very much at all. I’m sure he will come around, but I get the impression that he would rather be left alone.
Aahi is a curious individual. I wouldn’t say annoying, but overwhelming? Her youthful attitude and energy is entertaining, but it can make it very difficult to reason with her. She seems to have took to Collier, to his misfortune. She seems to flirt an awful lot. Hopefully this isn’t too much of a problem. She also had a familiar in the form of an Otter, who she referred to as Otterly Useless. (Fantastic name.)
Before we managed to settle in we were called away to an emergency. A Royal transport headed to the Emperor had crash landed and we were to secure the position. When we arrived there was an incredibly powerful magical presence that took out our transport. From then things are incredibly fuzzy. Only writing this have I managed to piece most of it together. We had been transported to some kind of other plane.. And I was in front of a giant wall. A cloaked, bearded man had given me instructions on finding the rest of the group and told me we were being tested. I then remember fighting some kind of monster that took the form of the Emperor, that had come from a shard of his sword. When he had been beaten, we were transported to our crash site, unharmed. Our ship was in pieces, and we were right next to the Royal ship. Sergeant Collier was gravely injured. He told us that he had been attacked by undead. We were soon surrounded and made a break for the ship. My teammates attended to the door. A person stood on the ship holding the shard we had previously fought. We managed to just make it inside before we were overwhelmed by the undead filth.
Inside the ship we met with a mysterious lady, who referred to herself as Morwenna. She told us that another individual got their hands on the Shard of the Emperor’s sword, that twisted him into the figure that we had seen previously. She Marked us with what I now know to be the symbol of the Wanderer (MUCH to my disgust) as a means of protection in order to vanquish the vile beast that dare take the Emperor’s image. With some effort, we were successful. The lady took the shard and teleported us back to Dealer’s run.
The details of this event have been referred to as the Shattered Blade Incident. Outside of what we experienced we have been told nothing else of the ramifications of what took place and what it had meant, but it seemed to be quite distressing to the Commander.
If this kind of thing is going to be a common occurance I’m definitely going to have to cut down on these diary entries, lest I burn through all the ink on Dealers Run!
I’m so exhausted!
I better close this off before I wake Dio back up and force him to annoy me.
Until the next,

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  1. Entry #0
    7540MW, 3, 7
  2. Entry #1: The Incident
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  3. Entry #2: Plague
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  4. Entry #3: Acrea
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  5. Entry #4: Oshen
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  6. Entry #5 The Reflections