Session #4, Deeper, Harder by Fynn | World Anvil

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Mon 7th Feb 2022 04:08

Session #4, Deeper, Harder

by Fynn D'Sivas

We continue into the forest. I feel rather hopeless. It is a long way to warm beds and warm tea. I have no idea how much further till we catch up with the undead, stitched paladin.
A pixie tried to steal BOB! She threatened to report me to its Queen! That may be an idle threat, but fairy Queens can be troublesome.
We were attacked in the night by Sarlonan mercenaries. Zonzi suspects their leader was an inspired. The Quari worry me. I prefer to see an entries brain, or at least it's base incantation.
We found the end of the trail. The lost airship. Bit of a dump. Been here for years. It looks like it been picked over , only scraps of books. The elemental helm was smashed. Worse, the thing was infested with tooth fairies! These loathsome asshats are why my ancestors left the feywild. It turns out these molar pirates left too. The region of the feywild parallel tot he Nightwood is held by the Autumn Queen. Auntie called her the Queen of Judgement and Consequences. I do have a good map to this location in BOB. The Bicuspid Bandits have set themselves up as a transfer point for illicit goods. For a fee in teeth they hold on to a fortune in stolen dragon shard crystals. I could not tell what the other party got in return. One end, receiving the crystals, are Sarlonans, perhaps the ones we dispatched. The other are our hafling friends in Karth.
We also meet a Mr Dax. A half elf lost in the forest. The Canine Cutthroats took him in, I think they were trying to talk him out of his teeth. His sister was taken into the feywild by a saytar and sold to the Queen. i did manage to trick the tooth fairies into to telling us the form of the key we needed to get into the feywild, a magic acorn. A furious bout of gambling and dentistry the rest of the won several acorns. They think themselves victorious.
A very determined zombie came out of the forest and attached me. It was after the doll. The creature knocked me to the ground unconscious almost immediately. It then took the doll. Once i was awakened i washable to finally trap in a web and we were able to dispatch it. Gam gam suspects it is a revenant, the lost paladin? So what does the doll want then? is it an ally of the paladin, of us? We found the paladins corpse. What does the doll or revenant want? Cassie want us to go south now.
We found anther gateway to the feywild. This time we went in. I tried to make a map, but it was a hopeless maze. Everything Auntie fanny has told me i suspect my attempt at a map is worthless. We found an exit, there is a great tree and a tower int he distance. This may be my last entry. If I die will my entrees in BOB be lost? Like tears in the rain?