The Pit of Despair by Aiden | World Anvil

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The Pit of Despair

by Aiden Stanley

Arkham Horror, The Innsmouth Conspiracy, and the Pit of Despair
“We find ourselves in a pit, in a sunken cavern. The cavern is tidal, I think.
And I have an internal injury.
I meet the others – Will Cole, the man with the shovel; Tony Mohit, a soldier or fed I think; and Prof. Kris Walters, who seems to know more than the rest of us.
Tony discovered a skeleton-ridden pit, creeping there and back with gun drawn. “Bones, lots of ‘em.”
We heard a rush of water, accompanied by wet, swarming rats. Cole lost his mind, and dove into the rushing water to investigate.
Mohit dealt with the rats, and a woman’s voice followed the flow of water – one of the professor’s assistants, also caught up in the swell.
I swear I felt something move -- Mohit let out a sharp yell as teeth sunk into his leg. Cole went under as well. And everyone readied for a fight.

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  1. The Pit of Despair
  2. What The Water Gives
  3. Dark Tidings
  4. In Innsmouth