What The Water Gives by Aiden | World Anvil

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What The Water Gives

by Aiden Stanley

The waters were rising, and quickly, so I dove underwater.
More monsters, the fishmen, swam in with the tides. I readied some dark arts, but the blat-blat-blat of Mohit's gun did them in.
Then the waters slowed, and we could hear sloshing. It was many-faced, an amalgam of beasts and fishes and...people. Heading straight for me. I recognized them, some people I had escaped from. My former cultsmen.
And again, Mohit to the rescue with his guns.
We began more urgently this time, trying to run out the waters. Later, I would talk with Prof. McClanahan -- there were new memories that came to my mind, ones that weren't mine, but importantly, related:

  • One, of a war hero involved in an investigation, in Boston. An "Alina Harper" was mentioned, and "Innsmouth". Thomas Dawson's memory.

  • Another, of a ship, a captain, and its crew. They were battling a sea creature, marine and devilish, now dead.

  • And the waters rushed again, and I took a deep breath -- more swimming.

    Continue reading...

    1. The Pit of Despair
    2. What The Water Gives
    3. Dark Tidings
    4. In Innsmouth