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Swamps of Gilgar, Aldur


by Florence

Yeah that guy. He was waiting for me until i return from my werewolf contract.
I colleced my reward, the mayor said there's a friend waiting for me in the tavern.
I expected no friends, all of my friends are dead or long gone.
No surprise it was no friend, but a famaliar person - Mr.T.
He said he had a quest that only I could fulfil, it was given be "destiny"
"There was a drow baby in witche's claws, free it and the moment you hold her you'll know what to do"
Then he teleported me and my new friend Rolo Velkoprdelník - a bard to the swamp.
Found an undead that said he knows the witch, they killed two of her sisters and this one murdered them all.
Yeah fuck witches. They eat children it's what they deserve
Arrived at the witche's place and I held the child, I felt nothing. Mr.T., was wrong perhaps?
Something is off, the hobgoblin's leader - Gilgar, the wich says to kill him and free this place.
Because of hatered there is between the witch Mirci and Gilgar - yeah i'd hate a wich too if she ate my child and then slaughtered everone.
We're on the way to Gilgar's place of rest to summon him, then we'll kill the witch and flee

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  1. First mornin'
    Vaesmur, Numeria
  2. On the road
  3. Aldur
    Aldur/Embernam border
  4. Yeah fuck this place
    Fucking Aldur
  5. Zolan
    Tower of Aldur's Guardian, Aldur
  6. Yeah fuck this place two
  7. don't go under the church
    Goblin camp, Aldur
  9. Vaazul
    Voxentrul, Aldur
  10. More deaths
    Voxentrul, Aldur
  11. Bart
    Voxentrul, Aldur
  12. I killed another
    HENLANDYR, Aldur
  13. Mr.T.
    Swamps of Gilgar, Aldur
  14. Am I the monster?
    Swamps of Gilgar, Aldur
  15. The price for prejudice
    Voxentrul, Aldur
  16. To save the baby
  17. Gvaed
    Gvaed, Aldur
  18. A Curse?
    Castle near Voxentrul, Aldur
  19. Manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths
    Gvaed, Aldur