Session 0 by Nora | World Anvil

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Fri 15th Apr 2022 08:06

Session 0

by Nora

I am in a strange place. I am not supposed to be here. I am not a criminal. These people, they've got it all wrong. I. am. not. supposed. to. be. here. Why must this happen to me?
They've put me and some other people on a cart. We're being sold to the highest bidder. Someone says it's better than working in a mine. Both options seem horrible. I'm not cut out for mining work, nor am I made to work as a slave. Oh, please, Avandra, help me.
Me and some others are sold as a group to a dwarven man named Reginald. He's not in smart clothes like the rest of the bidders and he has a wooden leg. He puts us on a boat to the Typhoon Islands. There they run some kind of social experiment. He's very vague with the specifics. Something about what happens if you don't treat prisoners like animals. That's something I guess. I really just want to be free and continue my journey. I was mistakenly taken prisoner. Reginald doesn't seem to believe me. And if he does, he's very emotionless about it. Does he see us as his property?
Among the people sold with me are some interesting folk. Where to start, they're all very intriguing.
There's Fainn, an undead looking (only looking, I checked) elven woman. She's quite something. She doesn't have any memory of who she is, where she comes from or what she's done to be here. That must be an odd sensation. Reginald says she's a soul wanderer or something, that her soul was realigned. I hope she figures out who she is.
Next up there's Fenara, a redheaded halfling woman. She seems kind. She has lots of little bits and bobs with her. Flasks and pouches filled with all kinds of stuff. She said she was very sick as a child. How did she get cured, though?
Then there's a very odd duo: Jorg and mr. Snuggles. Snuggles is a large, pink, stuffed Elephant whose seams look to be bursting with magic. He says he's only two months old. I cannot wrap my head around his being, but he looks very imposing. Wait, did he just say he was Jorg's plushie?! Jorg is a very tall firbolg. He says he runs an orphanage. He used to be an orphan himself but ran away from that orphanage. He's imprisoned because an orphan stole something and he took the fall. I must have a chat with him.
Finally there's Iefyr Phandrar. IP for short. He's a tortle. I've never met a tortle before. He says he grew up amongst the elves. He was taught his sword kills by them. It looks very cool, there's runes all over his blade and his shell. I ask him to practice sword fighting a bit. It's fun. I think I like him.
I pray to Avandra every night. I think I'm on the right path. I have faith she and Seraphina will guide me.

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