Session 6 - 7 by Nora | World Anvil

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Fri 15th Apr 2022 08:54

Session 6 - 7

by Nora

Everything is blury after those visions I had. I just follow the group around. At least I don't have to pretend with them anymore.
We encounter some folk, which we lovingly dub 'goblin fight club'.
Fainn has some weird visions and just runs off for no reason and doesn't respond to us. Strange things are happening here on this island.
Back in Sundany our delay seemingly did us no harm. We're okay for this week and get a week off now. Suddenly there's bells ringing. Ugh more fighting?
The town is getting raided by merfolk, so we try to help as best we can. Apparently this happens a lot. Reginald says if we find the source and solve it, we'll be free. Oh, I do long to be truly free.
Jorg had a strange skeletal hand over his own hand when he went down. This man is full of secrets and still doesn't want to talk to us about this.
I see Snuggles sneaking of. I ask him what he's about to do. He wants to ask Reginald knows anything of Amara. I beg Snuggles not to. Reginals would probably be on to something he he did.
Fainn's gone missing. We search the entire shore and bits of the ocean for her (her belongings were left on the beach). She turns up in the forrest and now has a weird runic symbol on her back. When will the strange things stop happening to this group. Morran says there might be religious scolars in Heatstead who know what this symbol is. Fainn now has a vision of a burning eagle wich transforms a bunch and she gets burned. I try and heal the burs a bit with Avandra and Seraphina's blessings.

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