Grumm Blackhand

Level 6 Champion (Redeemer).
88 / 88

A dwarf whose relations with his family drove him towards redemption. Following a chance encounter with a priest of Kvasr, he has walked the path of redeemer.

Played by
Burt Miller

I started gaming in 1972, when my favorite uncle presented me with a copy of the Avalon Hill game, Richthofen's War. While certainly more of a wargame than a role-playing game, the rules for creating your own pilots and squadrons led me to it. Having a favorite pilot (Hugh Barstead), writing a backstory was inevitable, and when role-playing games did come around, I took to it as a hobbit to his breakfast.   Since that time I have played or run dozens of games, both popular and obscure, from The Morrow Project to Traveller (original edition), Dungeons & Dragons to Chivalry & Sorcery, and Fate Core to The Lords of Creation.   As you can see from the worlds I posted here, my current games are Pathfinder, 1st Edition, Fate Core and Starfinder. I like them all for different reasons (and no, I am not playing all three simultaneously).   Ceros is my Pathfinder world and the current game. It uses a modified version of Pathfinder, and I like it for the crunch, the flexibility for character development and the enormous menu of options from which to choose.   The Steamlands is a steampunk take on Fate Core. The system is simple, flexible and story-driven -- a good choice for what I think of as a nineteenth century political potboiler with superscience overtones. Oh, and some magic. And a game with social mechanics is perfect for that setting.   It is currently under construction, and will be my next campaign.   Finally, Cytheria is my science fiction world of mystery. Having discovered a lost colony, the player characters face puzzles, aliens, a grand mystery and other challenger. Oh, and some magic. So a crunchy, science fantasy game familiar to the players is a good fit.   It, too, is for some time in the future. Which you could probably tell by the absence of content.

Tue 13th Jul 2021 05:56

The Broken Jarl

by Grumm Blackhand

Having decided on the final design fer Grummhorn, I knew it was gonna take some doing. I consulted with Frainr and others tae figger out what I’ll need, only t’ learn that we Dwarves aren’t masters o’ brass music. Our warhorns aren’t built fer more than one tone. Turns out what I need is a Nord crafter.
So, Spark in one hand and newly-made shield under th’ other arm, I managed t’ convince Margeaux ‘n Sand t’ join me in heading t’ Nordheim. We left Dun U’ri, headed fer th’ Staglands (damn Celts) and cut through the forests. We managed t’ find the centaur scout Mara an’ I presented her new shield. In return, she had us led t’ the road to Nordheim.
Seems the locals had a bit of a troll problem, as we found half a dozen stout warriors (half of ‘em already dead) battling a troll near the road. Been’ the foolhardy git’s we are — an’ I say this with no small pride, mind ye — we aided the sole survivor in takin’ the beast down fer good. An’ that poor fella! Half of him was scar and burns. His shield hung on a bad arm, but he still fought valiantly. Turns out these were old wounds, not troll-got.
We returned t’ his town, where we were invited to a feast at th’ longhouse. We were a bit surprised t’ find a pole with a bloody heap at its base just in front, but… well, Nords, y’see.

Grumm's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. End of the Job
    04 Oct 2020 07:14:38
  2. A Lost Journal and Catch-up
    09 Jul 2021 05:26:21
  3. Torag’s Spark
    09 Jul 2021 06:49:24
  4. The Broken Jarl
    13 Jul 2021 05:56:42

The major events and journals in Grumm's history, from the beginning to today.

The Broken Jarl

Having decided on the final design fer Grummhorn, I knew it was gonna take some doing. I consulted with Frainr and others tae finger out what I’ll need, only t’ learn that we Dwarves aren’t masters o’ brass music. Our warhorns aren’t built fer m...

07:04 am - 13.07.2021

Grummhorn. A magical warhorn made from a wyvern’s horn, capable of heartening allies, dismaying enemies, and summoning Grumm’s war-ram, Nalim.

02:25 am - 11.07.2021

Torag’s Spark


04:56 am - 09.07.2021

Well, Spark is done — the adamantine axe I crafted from one of the sparks from Torag’s heavenly forge — and I have engraved its runes accordingly. Now I just need a suitable foe to test its edge! Now that this work is done, I have already made sketches of my next project, Grummhorn. Details to follow.

04:18 am - 09.07.2021

Lookin’ forward to a bit of a dustup t’day.

05:41 pm - 14.02.2021

A Lost Journal and Catch-up

I’ve no idea what’s happened to my old journal — may have left it on a rock somewheres after breaking’ camp or some such. No matter. Life goes on, written down or not. So we finally recovered the artifact an’ returned it to its rightful owner...

05:40 pm - 14.02.2021

Gettin’ my gear ready fer another excursion. Still hangin’ out with m’ buddy Sand, but seems we have some new crew coming along. Dunno about ‘em. Womenfolk, you know?

02:48 pm - 13.12.2020

End of the Job

Well, we discovered the hidden bits of the tomb — and it was no small feat. I give credit to Sand fer his sharp eyes. Too clever by half, but not a bad sort. We recovered the artifact we were sent t’ retrieve and managed t’ find a few pretties of ou...

07:12 am - 04.10.2020

So, me an' th' boys have taken a job, one that takes us into a tomb. Don't want tae divulge too many details, but it's fair tae say we had some... err... aggressive interaction with some guardians. Dead ones, really. A fair number of 'em, too. My takeaway was this: where an axe mainly passes through empty air -- an' skeletons are full of 'em -- a shield is most efficacious.

08:19 pm - 15.09.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Grumm.

Played by
Burt Miller

I started gaming in 1972, when my favorite uncle presented me with a copy of the Avalon Hill game, Richthofen's War. While certainly more of a wargame than a role-playing game, the rules for creating your own pilots and squadrons led me to it. Having a favorite pilot (Hugh Barstead), writing a backstory was inevitable, and when role-playing games did come around, I took to it as a hobbit to his breakfast.   Since that time I have played or run dozens of games, both popular and obscure, from The Morrow Project to Traveller (original edition), Dungeons & Dragons to Chivalry & Sorcery, and Fate Core to The Lords of Creation.   As you can see from the worlds I posted here, my current games are Pathfinder, 1st Edition, Fate Core and Starfinder. I like them all for different reasons (and no, I am not playing all three simultaneously).   Ceros is my Pathfinder world and the current game. It uses a modified version of Pathfinder, and I like it for the crunch, the flexibility for character development and the enormous menu of options from which to choose.   The Steamlands is a steampunk take on Fate Core. The system is simple, flexible and story-driven -- a good choice for what I think of as a nineteenth century political potboiler with superscience overtones. Oh, and some magic. And a game with social mechanics is perfect for that setting.   It is currently under construction, and will be my next campaign.   Finally, Cytheria is my science fiction world of mystery. Having discovered a lost colony, the player characters face puzzles, aliens, a grand mystery and other challenger. Oh, and some magic. So a crunchy, science fantasy game familiar to the players is a good fit.   It, too, is for some time in the future. Which you could probably tell by the absence of content.

Other Characters by Burtimus